Okay, okay. I get the point.
I'm going to work on a new postnuke theme over the weekend that has new-and-improved larger font capability. Or if I get really frustrated, I'll at least hack the current CSS.
I would love the opportunity to get a card for review. I asked Sebastian, Matrox's Online PR Specialist, but he's on vacation this week and thus unable to respond. Hopefully I'll hear a favorable response early next week. I'd be delighted if anyone is capable and willing to assist me in getting a sample. (i.e. put in a good word, pull a string or two)
As for credit to the G800, if the thread still exists so that I can verify it (and perhaps link to it), I'd be happy to include it in the preview.

I would love the opportunity to get a card for review. I asked Sebastian, Matrox's Online PR Specialist, but he's on vacation this week and thus unable to respond. Hopefully I'll hear a favorable response early next week. I'd be delighted if anyone is capable and willing to assist me in getting a sample. (i.e. put in a good word, pull a string or two)
As for credit to the G800, if the thread still exists so that I can verify it (and perhaps link to it), I'd be happy to include it in the preview.