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Overclocking tool for Parhelia

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  • Overclocking tool for Parhelia

    Hi guys

    I'm one of the lucky few that have had the pleasure to review Matrox Parhelia. I liked the card very much as it shows good performance in FAA and the picture quality if great. However I couldn't find a overclocking program so i could tune the card to a greater speed. Have any of you seen a program that could overclock the Parhelia, then i would appreciate your help getting hold of it.

    BTW my review are in danish so you might not understand it.

    Best regards
    Thomas Eriksen
    Editor in Chief

  • #2
    Sorry have not seen one, the was a forum post about overclcoking a while back. Might want to try and find it, was about overclocking ther Parhelia to.
    "Fearlessness is better then a faint-heart for any man who puts his nose out of doors.
    The length of my life and the day of my death were fated long ago"
    Anonymous lines from For Scirnis


    • #3
      There has been no overclocking tool released at this time.
      Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


      • #4
        Did you try overclocking the computer's FSB to see how well it handles higher than normal AGP speeds ?


        • #5
          You tell me how you managed to get a Parhelia to review and I'll tell you how to get an overlclocker


          • #6
            Count me in, too!!!!!
            KJ Liew


            • #7
              Ant>> I have had a good cooperation with Matrox for over a year. I also received the G550 from matrox before release. But I can say as much as is the largest Danish hardware site and that helps a lot. Now i just need to convince ATI and nvidia to do the same :-)

              Best regards
              Thomas Eriksen
              Editor in Chief


              • #8
                Seems you had a very very short time to test the card out...but the fact that you pointed to both the strengths and weaknesses of the card is good.


                • #9
                  Yes, i was very unfortunate in the timing for the launch. I received the card 1 week ago but as i wrote my 2 computers wouldn't post with the card. So i had to wait for the memory for my brand new test rig to arrive and i received that Thursday. However i was sick Thursday and Friday so i couldn't work as much as i wanted. Saturday, Sunday and Monday i had to visit family so i actually only had a few hours each day for testing so i had to concentrate on the most important details and then do another round of testing on the card in the coming weeks.

                  Best regards
                  Thomas Eriksen
                  Editor in Chief


                  • #10
                    I've been running the largest Matrox related site for 7 years, that obviously doesn't help

                    You say you now need to convince ATi and nVidia to send you cards, well I've had offers of cards from nVidia, perhaps we should swap

                    As far as the overclocker goes I know Matrox have one in house that I think they are going to release. Otherwise I'd expect Ashley to quickly add it into PowerStrip if he has a Parhelia, he's usually very quick at these things!

                    Originally posted by tom0603
                    Ant>> I have had a good cooperation with Matrox for over a year. I also received the G550 from matrox before release. But I can say as much as is the largest Danish hardware site and that helps a lot. Now i just need to convince ATI and nvidia to do the same :-)

                    Best regards
                    Thomas Eriksen
                    Editor in Chief


                    • #11

                      Forgot my manners - Welcome !

                      I guess/hope that for your next round of testing newer and better drivers will be out so if you'll find the time you might even post a 'fun factor' in your next review.


                      • #12
                        Ant>>i cant believe that you cant get a card from matrox, your site is the site to go to if there is a matrox question. Also i believe that a much larger % of your readers would be buying a Parhelia than my readers.

                        Dogbert>> I hadn't had the time for overclocking the bus as I just receive the memory for my computer Thursday so i don't know how far i could push it yet, so i won't blame that on the Parhelia.

                        My plan is to put another motherboard in my main computer and use the Parhelia for 1 week on up to 3 screens. So I plan for my second review to be focusing on many of the things I missed in the first one.

                        Best regards
                        Thomas Eriksen
                        Editor in Chief


                        • #13
                          ANT! Who do you have to piss off if you don't want a Parhelia?


                          • #14
                            It's a shame... nothing more nothing less...

                            Mater tua criceta fuit, et pater tuo redoluit bacarum sambucus.

