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Help?! Parhelia troubles :(

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  • #31
    iso. I have addressed this issue exactly as it should be. If it continues, Matrox will immediately have you RMA it. All else, you don't have the card, no experience with it, your ideas while intended to be helpful are a waste of time.

    Chuck, stop whining! You bashed the shit out of IBM when you chimed in about what a POS the IBM 75GXP's were in a thread about the disclaimer on the 120GXP's and yet you have absolutely no experience with it. You never even bothered to open the antistatic bag.

    Remember last night when you point blank told me that I told you to buy that one... when I most certainly DID NOT!

    Same deal. Don't be a hypocrate.
    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

    "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


    • #32
      It's ok Greebe, I just feel a little gipped since:

      I paid for overnight so I could play with the hardware ASAP. As it looks I'll have to send it back, wait for them to look it over, then wait a week as they send a new one via the cheapest method possible. Which means two weeks. (5 business days transit to them, few days turnover, 5 business days to me)

      I'll just go take some snapshots of games and cut them into three pieces so I could wish I was surround gaming. :P


      • #33
        I do feel for you, that truely sux... I myself have had this very thing happen to me... but it was only once thankfully.

        I did discuss this with Haig and he pointed me to your thread on Matrox's forums within minutes of your original post.

        Maybe if you hadn't tempted fate/bad karma by hyping nV for such impressive marketing tactics for so long this wouldn't have happened?
        "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

        "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


        • #34
          Faster yet would be to call the Online Shop and have it replaced. Hopefully an advanced replacement overnight.

          (btw I was just ribbing ya
          "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

          "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


          • #35
            I was talking about nVidia's... hmm... maybe I shouldn't say it since the Matrox gods might send me another defective card. The online shop is closed on the weekends, so I've at least gotta wait till Monday to know what'll happen.
            Last edited by isochar; 5 July 2002, 20:38.


            • #36
              I may be in no position to speak, since I don't own a Parhelia, though seeing the memory problems here and the reports about the core dying (when the fan failed) on Anand, I can't help but wonder if there is a heat issue with the Parhelia.
              Maybe they should consider ramsinks and a bigger fan ?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Admiral
                I may be in no position to speak, since I don't own a Parhelia, though seeing the memory problems here and the reports about the core dying (when the fan failed) on Anand, I can't help but wonder if there is a heat issue with the Parhelia.
                Maybe they should consider ramsinks and a bigger fan ?
                the memory is running under spec, and considering the fact that other BGA style memory modules do not even get hot to the touch when running at specified speeds (or even above specified speeds), adding ramsinks is about as pointless as adding stickers to your car. granted, they could be using extreme memory timings, but still....

                about the fan failing, i believe anand also said it was due to a faulty wire, supposedly due to excessive handling of the card before he received it.

                about the heat issue, name a video card (that is not a budget card) that will not die if the fan stops working.... also, get that many transistors in a single package, run it at 220mhz, and let me know how you make it so it does not run hot.

                it would appear that Matrox probably got a bad batch of ram, or perhaps ram timings are too high? or, perhaps its even the core overheating or perhaps they had a problem with prerelease boards/chips hitting market. at this point in time we do not know, and making suggestions based on guesstimation isn't going to help anything...
                "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


                • #38
                  Just a short note I have not (as yet ) had the corruption again. But I do note that new drivers have been released.

                  I t would seem there are two problems one the cards boot OK and then corrupt after the desktop loads and another in which the card will not boot correctly ( messed up bios setup screen ). Maybe they are related I do not know

                  My spec for the melting pot

                  128 "P"
                  p4 2.26B
                  asus p4t533-c
                  512 mb rdram



                  • #39
                    This Parhelia won't work with either of my Abit boards I get the beeps of death and no boot. With my new AUSS A7S333 the system boots but as I say the display is corrupt from the word go not just in Windows. As far as I can see my problem definitely seems to be a hardware fault. I guess I'm jinxed, the first G400 I got from Matrox had the same sort of problems

                    I'm just off to the FedEX depot to pick up my replacement board.

                    Originally posted by az
                    Ant, is this your Abit problem, or is this already with the replacement card?



                    • #40
                      That is exactly what happens when I push the memory on my G400 too far. I actually did permanent damage to one of my MAX's, everything in BIOS/DOS was just crazy jibberesh characters and corrupted nonsense.


                      • #41
                        I just picked up my replacement Parhelia and it works perfectly (after having to remove every trace of Matrox software from my system). Looks like the first board was a definite lemon.


                        • #42

                          I hope its only Your grafix cards that are broken first time around..



                          • #43
                            Guess I spoke too soon, ran the reef demo it crashed and locked the sytem up now when I boot into Windows I get no display


                            • #44
                              Thats very strange surly not two duff cards!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              maybe a clean install will help, I always do with XP after a hardware change



                              • #45
                                I got things running again but the Reef demo locks the system up hard every time.

