Matrox said I should ask here so here we go.
With the Win2k\XP 5.82 and 5.84 drivers I cannot use the Matrox Tweak utlity to adjust the AGP Multiplier.
Does anyone know the registry entry to do this. The entry that works for the 5.72 drivers does not work for the later drivers.
I need to drop it to 1x as I cannot run any 3D games as 2x due to instability problems.
With the Win2k\XP 5.82 and 5.84 drivers I cannot use the Matrox Tweak utlity to adjust the AGP Multiplier.
Does anyone know the registry entry to do this. The entry that works for the 5.72 drivers does not work for the later drivers.
I need to drop it to 1x as I cannot run any 3D games as 2x due to instability problems.