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Overlay Control for Powerdesk

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  • Overlay Control for Powerdesk

    Still enjoying the question though, Matrox doesn't provide DVD overlay control as (sorry for using these dirty words) ATi and Nvidia. Anyone know if they'll ever put this in?

    (seems the new Parhelia drivers include it...sigh...seems that it's not available in sunny SoCal yet)

  • #2
    DVD Overlay ??

    Jedi Master

    i just finished with a fresh installation of xp pro and my new parhelia(..retail). here is my display setup :

    Video - Matrox Parhelia - 512

    Displays - Dual Head Configuration

    Pri. - Samsung 210T (21.3" TFT) - DVI - connector A
    Sec. - Samsung 210T (21.3" TFT) - DVI - connector B

    i thought that i would be able to play a dvd movie on either display, but as soon as i drag the player window onto the secondary display...or halfway over, i loose the video. i still get sound though. i am using power dvd for xp. it is possible that i might have something setup wrong but i doubt it.

    i do note that i can't drag the color pallett over onto the secondary display under "adjust video playback" option in the dual head-HF property sheets.

    overall, i am enjoying the P. my screens are snappy, crisper, brighter and plus, i got the higher refresh(..75Hz). it turns out that these displays are hardware limited to 1280 x 1024 in digital mode, but, can go as high as 81Hz horiz. and 85Hz vert.

    i would like to find this "overlay control"...i am using the .228 drivers(..i started from fresh with this one). i did install the .net framework sp1 after through windows update. as to future features...that is up to our own imagination! cause the beta boyz can't talk about them cause of ndas'.


