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Problems with my new Parhelia

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  • Problems with my new Parhelia

    Hi Guyz,

    i got my new Parhelia last Friday and i build it in my computer !!
    I have an:
    P3 850 Mhz, 512 Mb RAM
    Gigabyte BX2000+
    SCSI Adaptec 2940U for CD-Roms and DVD-Drive
    3com Network Card
    some IDE Harddisk Drives
    AVM ISDN-Card
    OS Win 2000 SP2

    The Problem: i install the card and it works fine in 2D Mode !! I only got problems in 3D Mode !! When i start the Reef Demo or 3D Mark or something else after a view seconds my screen turns black !!
    I install the new drivers from the matrox homepage !! The card works correctly, i tried with my friends computer !! He ordered a matrox parhelia too and he´s got no proplems with it ....

    Does anyone know about problems with a matrox parhelia card and an older bx-chipset ?? My older G400 works correctly and i got no problems with my board or something else !!

    Please help me .....
    I dont want to buy a new computer !!

    Last edited by Slice; 13 July 2002, 11:36.

  • #2
    Have you reinstalled your OS? Most video cards are picky when you change from a different video card like ATI or Nvidia if its not a fresh install. I had to reinstall when I received my Parhelia after upgrading from a Geforce4. My 3d games either ran slow or werent working.


    • #3
      Thanx !! I deinstalled my old Matrox G400 drivers before i installed the new parhelia drivers !! Only 2 weeks ago i installed my computer totally new ....

      Any other ideas ???



      • #4
        What monitor do you use ?
        Usually when the Monitor get's a resolution/refresh rate it doesn't like, a protection circuit cuts it off and the screen is blank.

        Try fresh OS install (yes, I know it's really annoying reinstalling all your software) so all your 3D resolution/refresh get's back to default (60hz ?).

        Good luck !

        edit: Try changing Parhelias with your friend, try his on your computer and let him try yours on his. Could be a huge time saver


        • #5
          my 2 Monitors are the Compaq TFT 8030 and uses refresh-rates from 60-85hz !!
          I tried to change my card with one of my friend !! My card works correctly in his computer !!
          Next week i try to install my computer on another partition again and test the parhelia !! I think its the only way to get an result about a problem with my installation !!

          Thanx for your post ...



          • #6

            While you're at it, check for new BIOS upgrades for your motherboard. You can never know

            Also, you wrote:
            some IDE Harddisk Drives
            What PSU do you have ? In 3D, the Parhelia draws more current than in 2D. I have no idea whether and how it might affect your system, but maybe someone else would find this info usefull.


            • #7
              Hi again,

              i flashed my bios yesterday with the newest available version !! but no result ....
              I tried to play castle wolfenstein and it works fine !! I dont understand ... no 3d mark and no reef demo works but i can play a 3d shooter !!
              My IDE drives are UDMA66, with 7200 rpm and 2 Mb cache !! I think thats okay ....

              Any other ideas, before i install my system again ??



              • #8
                Since Wolfenstein works, then it sounds like you may have a problem with direct 3d as Wolfenstein is opengl based. Try reinstalling directx 8.1 and see if that helps.
                What do you want a signature for?


                • #9
                  Have you tried disabling the screen saver?


                  • #10

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                    • #11
                      It sounds like you have an older motherboard. Is that mobo compatible with the newer AGP 2.0 specs of which I think the Parhelia is made with? It sounds like your video card isn't getting enough voltage to run certain 3D software and there is probably no way to increase it it the mobo bios.

                      just my two cents....



                      • #12
                        The LX (same as BX minus the 100Mhz bus) chipset had a lack of voltage problem with old TNT and Geforce Nvidia cards. This was fixed on most mainboards by a bios update. Your mainboard may have been originally designed for the LX chipset and suffers from this same problem. Check for a newer bios update for your board.
                        I should have bought an ATI.


                        • #13
                          If Slice can play RTCW without problems than the problem with lack of voltage or any other hardware problem is out of question...
                          What Damien said... Try reinstalling DirectX and see if it helps.
                          What you can be sure of is that your card isn't faulty. It's a driver/software problem...
                          If reinstalling DirectX doesn't help I guess you'll have to do a clean install of windows...
                          BOINC stats


                          • #14
                            PiaxVirus reminded me of the voltage issues with LX and some early BX boards.

                            The BX2000+ does have a known problem with dealing with power hungry cards.
                            <a href="">Ryu's PCs</a>


                            • #15
                              Isn't there a 'voodoo 3' jumper or something on those boards? Try changing that.

                              edit: just looked at the link in Ryu's post above - that's the one.

