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Next Version Of Parhelia

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  • #91
    I find the belief that selling video cards with ATI/NVidia chipsets would make Matrox better off. Look at the market of NVidia card makers, there are a ton tettering near the edge. Why? It's the stupid 6 month cycles that are killing the card makers. Who would want to by card x when the next generation is coming up soon. I know I lived on buying the revisions of the Radeon and GF4Ti. And I have regretted both cards. The radeon had shit drivers and the GF4Ti is still crap on my eyes.

    I really want to get a Parhelia... and I am seriously debating between a machine upgrade or a parhelia. I only wish they could squeeze more clock out of their card. I am pretty sure it would compete fairly with the Radeon 9700. As for marketing it doesn't help when the major review sites only care about the fps of benchmarks.
    The poster formerly known as "ahardjan"


    • #92
      The main issue that Matrox, as a multimonitor superpower, would have to address, would be multimonitor support with 3rd party chipsets, and figuring out how to make said support unique to Matrox, so one couldn't just by a different manufacturer's card and use Matrox drivers....
      Let us return to the moon, to stay!!!


      • #93
        Soon(TM) is less then 2 weeks!

        Hi all.

        The Parhelia 256 is on it's way!

        In less then 2 weeks it will be visiting reviewers and salesfolks. The most intresting part is pricing...

        The first numbers i heard, it didn't cost an arm and a leg... Almost cheap if compared to Matrox standards! Now that is a good thing!

        Lets all hope for some new features...


        • #94

          How the heck do you know that!?!


          • #95
            I just heard the same thing. The 64 MB has been suddenly canned. The project is dead at this time.

            Jump for joy, someone is actually listening.



            • #96
              WOW, sounds good!! any other news about the 256 card?! new features?


              • #97
                LOL mga card with 3rd party chipset

                you have got to be kidding right?

                they would have to reinvent the wheel literatly

                you do realise that almost all the ati boards are made by the same company and the nv stuff same reference where applicable
                Dominic Sharoo
                NitroWare webmaster/technical editor

                Mod/Guru @ 3DSS Forums

                On the review test bench
                -Matrox Millenium P750
                -SB Audigy ZS Platinum Pro
                -Other nifty stuff
                -A decent website


                • #98
                  Originally posted by ElDonAntonio

                  How the heck do you know that!?!
                  maybe reseller news

                  (all the soundcard sites) got jumped on re aud2 cause of people positng on creat NG who had advance reseller info

                  EDIT: what i said sounds more realistic now doesnt it
                  Dominic Sharoo
                  NitroWare webmaster/technical editor

                  Mod/Guru @ 3DSS Forums

                  On the review test bench
                  -Matrox Millenium P750
                  -SB Audigy ZS Platinum Pro
                  -Other nifty stuff
                  -A decent website


                  • #99
                    almost cheap by matrox standards... if its less than the 128MB cardis now or even only slightly more... bleh...
                    "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


                    • I think the max for dvi is something like 1900x1200 now isnt it?
                      WHATS A JAVA?


                      • Originally posted by Supernaut
                        I think the max for dvi is something like 1900x1200 now isnt it?
                        1920x1440 iirc
                        "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


                        • hmm cheap for matrox standards. i figure it cant possibly be cheaper than the P128, so i guess 500$. not exactly cheap

                          come on matrox give me my P noFSAA noGIGACOLOR SH 64MB 130$ card
                          no matrox, no matroxusers.


                          • 256MB card that doesn't cost a lot!?! That would be good.

                            If they can give the P an enticing enough price to upgrade my G400 & G550, it'll happen. If they can add the TVDOS in the BIOS, I'd buy yet another one to replace the Radeon in my HTPC.


                            • Now, this sounds definitely better than it did a couple of days ago! Hope you're right (and I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be).


                              • Dave B at beyond3d is waiting on a new P,its on his front page.

