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How can we persuade them to sack Dan Woods...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Haig
    ... and put Haig in his place ?

    As much as I greatly appreciate the gesture, please keep my name off the petition.
    My apologies, don't want to cause you any problems, it's more of a anti current management thing.

    Maybe it shouldn't contain any names or maybe it should, just one ().
    We dont't even know if we'd actually get through with it. Right now we only have Pace offering us the webspace.


    • #17
      Matrox used to dominate this market, they have shown flashes of brilliance lately (no sundog puns intended) but it would appear, from the outside, that they lack management expertise to get to where we want them to be... is it possible we are missing something?
      Nothing sadder than seeing a beautiful theory getting slammed by an ugly fact!


      • #18
        Ok, so we won't mention Haig.

        I've had the offer of the script for a petition (raise your hand Mr. ), does anyone want to write the petition text?

        Are we limiting this to sacking Dan Woods, or direct it more to the points about the 3D faults in this revision of the Parhelia, and a resolution of this issue.


        Meet Jasmine.


        • #19
          Can we get them to give us free chips as well (with ketchup?)
          DM says: Crunch with Matrox


          • #20
            Are we limiting this to sacking Dan Woods, or direct it more to the points about the 3D faults in this revision of the Parhelia, and a resolution of this issue.
            Was thinking of pretty much both. They interact don't they ?
            Go on with the card's faults (faulty FAA, anisotropic filtering not fixed, the banding issue...), how it might've been a success if "that" and "that" was done at the time, how a 64 mb version would be nice if they didn't cut FAA off (and with revised mechanism), maybe get it to do 2 heads only and cut a few not vital features and step up the clocks a bit (at a 150-200$ mark to fill the lower end gap).
            Point out how these things were due to misscomunication inside Matrox, how management didn't do their job and how Dan Woods in charge of it all didn't do his.

            Anyway, the emphasis is on sacking Dan Woods with the Parhelia (and maybe some G450/550) problems and causes as the arguments.
            We should make it clear that the problem is him.


            • #21
              Ok, offer still open for someone to write the words of the petition...

              Any thoughts on this:
              <em>We, the undersigned, hereby declare that we feel very strongly about the apparant misdirections of Matrox Graphics. We would strongly encourage that Matrox consider the position of Dan Woods and the rest of the product decision making staff, as the issues listed below are not what we expect from Matrox Graphics, its products and its support. In fact, we expect rather the opposite.

              The issues all concern the Matrox Parhelia series. While offering plenty for the enthusiast community, for a professional 'quality' product it is severly lacking, in those "professional" and, indeed, "quality" attributes.

              <ul><li>Banding artifacts in 3D <sup><a href="#1">1</a></sup></li>
              <li>Faulty fragment antialiasing (FAA)<sup></sup></li>
              <li>Faulty anisotropic filtering<sup></sup></li></ul><hr height="1" width="50%" align="left" />References:<ol><li><a name="1" /><a href="">Parhelia Image Problems</a> - MURC Forum Thread</li></ol></em>
              Still checking for links to threads. Anyone want to suggest threads from the forums, please do - just post them with what item(s) they refer to.


              Last edited by Pace; 25 October 2002, 12:03.
              Meet Jasmine.

