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More On The State Of Matrox

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  • #31
    CaineTanathos -

    I didnt see Vigilant mention the occlusion unit... did I miss something?


    • #32
      well he sais :
      "Re-investment in RD is almost NIL.. if you look at anand's review of inside NVidia.. they day it was released on the
      web.. matrox's asic, and HW eng teams unanimously agreed... company is finshed.. they need to invest
      close to 500million to have the same setup.. if they did invest in that equipment then. parhelia would have been
      released on time.. which was about 2 years ago.. it's not liek we didn't try.. we asked for and FIB machine
      repeatedly starting about 4 years ago..."

      So due to the lack of no Research and Development.

      btw I think I don't have the 3D Interference/Banding Issues, not in 3dmax though
      Hey! You're talking to me all wrong! It's the wrong tone! Do it again...and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron


      • #33
        You know... and just the other day i found myself looking at laptops and thinking "Damn, if only i could get a Parhelia in one of these instead of a Radeon 9000"... hell... i would settle for just about anything Matrox inside a laptop, as long as it performed good...

        on the other hand, this goes to show why people are having so many problems... hehe...
        "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


        • #34
          Honestly, and i love Matrox to death, i hope that word of things like this get out hand in hand with the bad publicity of the Parhelia and it forces things to change...
          "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


          • #35
            I dont know what their marketing is doing?? Integrated graphics was available for a new player then for laptops and All-in-one MBoards(think OEMs), Instead of creating new markets for matrox they blew it, I cant imagine they can call themselves marketing. And when the hardware was ready for production...arrgh... Asus would give their right hand to put that chip in their laptops.
            People nowadays look at hardware reviews before even thinking of buying anything, no matter how the marketing is done, an hardware which is not even on par in performance or with inherent faults would be found out and nobody would buy it, moreover, I am thinking that the marketing has been bought over by other companies and are getting rid of Matrox engineers so that other companies who require experienced engineers in quality graphics design can get the disgruntled Matrox employees by offering higher salaries and of the fact that there are a lot ex-Matrox employees already working for them and we all know who has most of the ex-Matrox employees. *hehe*

            PS:- Hell, that is one long sentence *grin*
            Life is a bed of roses. Everyone else sees the roses, you are the one being gored by the thorns.

            AMD PhenomII555@B55(Quadcore-3.2GHz) Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD5 Kingston 1x2GB Generic 8400GS512MB WD1.5TB LGMulti-Drive Dell2407WFP
            ***Matrox G400DH 32MB still chugging along happily in my other pc***


            • #36
              There are a lot of people who do not buy because of the reviews... these are the average people using computers, i dealt with them daily for 2 years minus time away for school... these are also the people who have never heard of Matrox and probably never will because of this sort of thing... or, if they hear of Matrox i will be in a bad light...
              "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


              • #37
       should not run a company, nor should a company be run by marketing. Marketing may research and analyze the market, determine the marketability of a product, propose products and marketing strategies, but decisions abide with management in coordination with all departments.

                When the decision making process gets lopsided or dominated by one department or a clique, trouble is not far away.

                Focus on management where responsibility for everything belongs.
                How can you possibly take anything seriously?
                Who cares?


                • #38
                  No! No! Let the Accountants Rule
                  DM says: Crunch with Matrox


                  • #39
                    ya know when the Geforce 1 was released it had also terrible bugs in it (the texture compression bug...) Nvidia didn't fix them in the GF2.

                    So maybe we should cut some slack on matrox. I mean if you check out the latest ut2003 results on darkcrow, then the Parhelia isn't doing so bad
                    Hey! You're talking to me all wrong! It's the wrong tone! Do it again...and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron


                    • #40
                      IMO despite this Parhelia is still doing better compared to Radeon9700 and GF4600 than G550 stacking up with GF3/Radeon 8500.

                      If they can sell enough parhelias in the pro market to hold them through untill Parhelia2 which better be like G400 was in it's time it'll be OK.

                      As for marketing. People from some local company told me they are going to shut down next year. IMO the company has to many employees in sales and has outsourced too many things for too much. IMO quarter of dedicated people with occasional part time workers could keep the company afloat.

                      What I would do in Matrox marketing:
                      - retest everyone (education, psychology) and gather their results which are simple: you sell this much with this budget

                      - I'd keep the healthy core or hire smaller group of talented young people with a few experienced sharks and I'd pay them through the roof. However I'd expext them to be dreaming about selling at night, be fully responsible for everything (If something goes bad = no salary at the end of the month), and be available 24/7 except for sleep. I too screwed up films for prepress once and I worked 3 days for free to make up.

                      I did alone a marketing campaign for language school. The budget was 17.000$. I did everything: design, wrote the copy, found the cheapest printers, babes to give out fliers on rollerblades, clothes for the babes (made a deal with local Champion USA franchise holder in the process). With half of last years budget I increased sales by 10%. I did design by night and paperwork and price negotiating by day. (the campaign involved about 8 mediums which all needed text, design, grammar correction, prepress and print)

                      Or you could have 3 people doing the same job less effectively.
                      Last edited by UtwigMU; 25 October 2002, 10:36.


                      • #41
                        That's a GREAT idea!!! Matrox Babes would definitely save the day!!!


                        • #42
                          see... the performance issues in the Parhelia do not really bother me.. what bothers me is things like the horizontal flickering issues... i'll be damned if i let some ****ole get away with selling me a product that has issues that they knew about, but failed to mention or resolve before its release... that sort of thing just pisses me off and i do expect some sort of resolution on the problem either way... if it was a $50 graphics card made by trident, i wouldn't care, i would expect it... but this is Matrox, who made such a big deal about the quality of their outputs and the superior product design....
                          "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


                          • #43


                            • #44
                              So, how 'bout we group together & buy Matrox out? We could be the turnaround that company needs to get on top.

                              Then again, I'm an idealistic college student who's about to graduate, and new ventures look to be the best way to make a living.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by ElDonAntonio
                                That's a GREAT idea!!! Matrox Babes would definitely save the day!!!
                                The G400 marketing was babe centered (retail box)

                                I have this nice Wish you were real... G550 mousemat with seductive partialy wireframed babe lying with eyes closed.

                                Now with Parhelia there's this guy sitting in designer chair. IMO men still buy more hardware based on visiting sites and reading computer mags so it would be good to center this campaign arround babe as well. Look at general population here. Besides Liz and Alice I cannot think about babe from top of my head.

                                But teh babes on rollerblades were IME ineffective since they generated lowest contact percentage.
                                Last edited by UtwigMU; 25 October 2002, 15:59.

