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Help me!

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  • Help me!

    For a very long time i've been waiting for the 256 version of P! But then I heard of the shitty lines and tha clockspeed! And I must say that I really really want DVDMax and all those other features!

    My first question is:
    Should I buy a P even if there are some flickering-lines problem? Why, why not?

    My second:
    Wich P should I buy? 256 or 128? Why?

    Please help me I really want all those DVDMax, Clone ....... features! I've been waiting for this since G400!!!

    Intel D850GB
    256 RDRAM
    Intel Pentium 4 1700 Mhz
    IBM DeskStar 75GXP, 76GB
    IBM DeskStar 180GXP, 120GB
    Creative SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 Platinum
    Parhelia 512 128MB Retail

  • #2
    1st, i wouldn't right now. honestly it is an annoying problem and until Matrox gets it fixed or guarantees a fix for affected products, i cannot recommend anyone buy it nor support Matrox's potentially underhanded business practices.

    2nd, if you bought one, i would go with a 128mb. unless you are doing cad stuff that requires more memory, its not really worth the cost to buy a 256mb card. that being said i could see the extra memory becoming beneficial for games in the next year or two...
    "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


    • #3
      The Wait for V-Sync options fixed it for me. It never happened on my first head anyway. If I turn V-Sync off, my second head would show some banding when I change background to white.

      128mb I would say... 256mb isn't really that useful, and the fact that core clock and price of 128mb is far better too!
      P4 Northwood 1.8GHz@2.7GHz 1.65V Albatron PX845PEV Pro
      Running two Dell 2005FPW 20" Widescreen LCD
      And of course, Matrox Parhelia | My Matrox histroy: Mill-I, Mill-II, Mystique, G400, Parhelia


      • #4
        Originally posted by WyWyWyWy
        The Wait for V-Sync options fixed it for me. It never happened on my first head anyway. If I turn V-Sync off, my second head would show some banding when I change background to white.
        for me it stays visible on both monitors... its not quite as noticible, but it makes the whole screen flicker... not easy on the eyes at all, and it kinda defeats the purpose of having a higher refresh rate. it also does depend on system and luck of the draw...

        regardless, this issue was brought to Matrox's attention 4 months ago, and only recently was any sort of public statement made on it. i will say that with the exception of this (and it is really only just an annoyance) i love the Parhelia. if this issue was fixed on new shipping boards or if Matrox commited to repairing/replacing the ones that are exibiting symptoms, i would be all for recommending it.

        but, having worked for a computer store before, i can't recommend a product where even 1 out of 10 is gonna be bad... i'm not even sure what the percentages on this problem are... i just know that there are a lot of people affected by it.
        "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


        • #5
          I think ALL parhelias are affected by this issue at the moment.
          The level of banding just depends on your monitor.
          As I said it does not appear on my first head.

          To whoever hasn't seen this before, it like putting your mobile phone right next to the monitor when its ringing, but not as heavy though.

          And, BoD.Led, the ability to DVDMAX to a TV (as 3rd head) is just way too cool!!!
          P4 Northwood 1.8GHz@2.7GHz 1.65V Albatron PX845PEV Pro
          Running two Dell 2005FPW 20" Widescreen LCD
          And of course, Matrox Parhelia | My Matrox histroy: Mill-I, Mill-II, Mystique, G400, Parhelia


          • #6
            OK, Thanks!

            I think I'll go ahead and buy me a P 128 Retail!
            I just regret that I waited for the 256!!!
            Last edited by BoD.Led; 13 November 2002, 10:54.

            Intel D850GB
            256 RDRAM
            Intel Pentium 4 1700 Mhz
            IBM DeskStar 75GXP, 76GB
            IBM DeskStar 180GXP, 120GB
            Creative SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 Platinum
            Parhelia 512 128MB Retail


            • #7
              Originally posted by WyWyWyWy
              I think ALL parhelias are affected by this issue at the moment.
              The level of banding just depends on your monitor.
              As I said it does not appear on my first head.
              I'm not sure about that.

              I only notice it at home when running UT in a window and I've got an IRC channel open (white background)

              Whilst I had the P. @ work and was running tripple head it was very noticable. No 3D apps where running. The only thing out of the ordinary were StarDock Object Desktop apps such as WindowBlinds and CursorXP.

              Home is XP, work is Win2K - maybe Win2k causes it be worse ???
              "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen Roberts

              µße®LørÐ - A legend in his underwear
              Member of For F*ck Sake UT clan
              DriverHeaven administrator
              PowerVR Network administrator


              • #8
                It's noticable on both my monitors when playing certain Ogl games. Once you realize it's there it is very annoying.
                Stil very pleased with my purchase though, and hope that matrox does indeed fix this.
                Yeah, well I'm gonna build my own lunar space lander! With blackjack aaaaannd Hookers! Actually, forget the space lander, and the blackjack. Ahhhh forget the whole thing!

