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BBz gettin the boot

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  • #31
    Originally posted by NetSnake
    Maybe that banding problem not beeing noticed during beta testing has (also) something to do with the cancellation of the program...
    AFAIK it WAS discovered during the beta-testing, but management decided to ignore it.
    This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


    • #32
      Originally posted by NetSnake
      Maybe that banding problem not beeing noticed during beta testing has (also) something to do with the cancellation of the program...
      Maybe that banding problem beeing noticed during beta testing has (also) something to do with the cancellation of the program...


      • #33
        Originally posted by NocturnDragon
        Maybe that banding problem beeing noticed during beta testing has (also) something to do with the cancellation of the program...
        yup. true. I am sure that such a major bug would be notied during the beta stage. (or even after the chip was taped out after RnD.) Personally, there is no way I am going to replace my G550 with a card of "THAT" quality.

        I lost faith in Matrox. Unless they do something like the G400 w/full currect DX support, I am not getting any of their cards!


        • #34
          "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


          • #35
            Looks like they'll start using the Sony Online Entertainment / Everquest beta test procedure: release it to the public, then ignore people when they complain about the bugs.
            Last edited by Jon P. Inghram; 12 April 2003, 11:09.


            • #36
              They could move to a more frequent driver release format and let the public report it in the "bug report" forum.

              In other words, we could all become beta testers.
              Let us return to the moon, to stay!!!


              • #37
                Maybe ATI employed the whole M driver development team, can be the only reason any of this happened, M get worse Ati get better.


                • #38
                  Maybe soonâ„¢ this site will became.. AURC :P
                  I hope not!

                  Seriously, i want to see what will be matrox's next move.
                  the present management is really taking weird decisions lately!


                  • #39
                    Sad indeed.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by NocturnDragon
                      Maybe soonâ„¢ this site will became.. AURC :P
                      I hope not!

                      Seriously, i want to see what will be matrox's next move.
                      the present management is really taking weird decisions lately!
                      well... if ATI makes products with the same level of Matrox-worthy quality (which is very likely the case, probably they employed lots of former Matrox R&D), I won't mind

                      Their drivers got better, their hardware are almost bug free... etc


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Chrono_Wanderer
                        well... if ATI makes products with the same level of Matrox-worthy quality (which is very likely the case, probably they employed lots of former Matrox R&D), I won't mind

                        Their drivers got better, their hardware are almost bug free... etc
                        I wonder how many visitors here have matrox's cards and how many Ati's ones..

                        If matrox keeps acting weird i wouln't mind that either, i just hope matrox will come out of the hole it digged by itself


                        • #42
                          Just to clear up 2 items:

                          1 - This has nothing to do with what the beta testers missed/reported.

                          2 - Stopping this program was my decision. What drew me to this decision is another story in itself, which is something between myself and our beta testers.



                          • #43
                            Thanks for your input, Haig.
                            Let us return to the moon, to stay!!!


                            • #44
                              Sorry to hear that the BBz are out of items to occupy thier spare time (whatever will they do now when not formatting/reinstalling weekly?)

                              Hiag, I am sure whatever the reasons to shut down the BBz, you will continue to do your part to keep the TS Dept on its toes.

                              As for the rest of us, we know where to voice our concerns/ideas. We can only hope the BB program will reactivate down the road when time and resources allow Haig to do so.

                              Thanks to all over the years involved with helping to improve our products/drivers we get from Matrox.

                              btw Haig for President!
                              (never to early to start a campaign)
                              Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                              • #45
                                Thanks for the reply Haig. Well, at least it didn't sound like Matrox choosed to ignore bugs reported by BBz. About the shut down of the BBz program, I can only imagine its due to the lack of resources MGA has right now. Damn. That sucks And if I remembered correctly the reason you guys had problem clocking the Parhelia was because you guys lacked new equiptments (forgot what it was). Seeing that, I can see Matrox won't be making good 3d chipsets/boards for us enthusiast.

                                Well... from what I am seeing, can I assume that the next card to be launched by Matrox will not be for "decent" gaming.

                                Hey... you know what though? If Matrox choosed not to fab any GPU and adopt GPUs from ATI/nVIDIA, I am going to purchase them right away!

                                ATI/nV 3D + Matrox 2D/multimonitor mmmuhahaha. others are going down

                                oh yea BTW: Haig for president!!!!

