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BBz gettin the boot

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  • #61
    To Chrono_Wanderer.

    This is off topic, but I noticed that your rig's got a dual RDRAM PC1066, and my chipset is also i850E. Isn't dual RD just wonderful? I have always got a critical comments about buying i850E, instead of i845E from my friends and thought I often thought that I bought such a off leading chipset but now I see someone as liberal as I am. Good to see you (Say... are you really happy with i850E? RDRAM's expensive...)
    Last edited by joonie; 13 April 2003, 02:48.


    • #62
      Could you please not talk too much OT in this thread?

      There's an Opera in my macbook.


      • #63
        Originally posted by az
        Could you please not talk too much OT in this thread?

        Sorry I'll try. But I'm a man of OT


        • #64
          Originally posted by Flyke
          az: I know that the ATI problem is a "simple" interference problem.
          I just don't want a gfx card which has "simple" unsolved issues..
          Besides - I cannot adjust my monitors refresh rate..
          This "banding" only affects few ATI users. I have no banding whatsoever on neither of my displays regardless of resolution/refresh combinations with the R9700PRO.

          EDIT: Sorry for being OT.
          Last edited by Indiana; 13 April 2003, 05:16.
          But we named the *dog* Indiana...
          My System
          2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
          German ATI-forum


          • #65
            Originally posted by Hazmat2k
            Your earlier statement implied (well to me anyway) that you think Matrox should manufacture cards using ATi or Nvidia GPUs.
            I commented based on that assumption
            eh... you read me correctly. I do think Matrox is better off making cards using ATI/nV GPUs... here's what I said...

            Hey... you know what though? If Matrox choosed not to fab any GPU and adopt GPUs from ATI/nVIDIA, I am going to purchase them right away!
            Confused... lol...

            Okay. whatever, let's not get offtopic... back to the BBz stuff... hehe...

            To Chrono_Wanderer.

            This is off topic, but I noticed that your rig's got a dual RDRAM PC1066, and my chipset is also i850E. Isn't dual RD just wonderful? I have always got a critical comments about buying i850E, instead of i845E from my friends and thought I often thought that I bought such a off leading chipset but now I see someone as liberal as I am. Good to see you (Say... are you really happy with i850E? RDRAM's expensive...)
            ROFLMAO You guessed it wrong! I am not very happy with RDRAMs... they are too expensive. I should have waited for Dual DDR lol. But then, my rig is very old... so no dual DDR at that time. However, dual RDRAM surely is fast


            • #66
              Sorry to have to break this to you guys, but you can't even compare ATI to Matrox right now. It's like trying to compare Intel to Cyrix. Totally different markets, strategies and volume of resources (human and otherwise)
              Celeron 566@877 1.8V, 256meg generic PC-100 RAM (running at CAS2) Abit BH6, G400 16meg DH@150/200, Western Digital Expert 18gig, Ricoh mp7040A(morphed to mp7060A) Pioneer 6X DVD slot load, Motorola Cable Modem w/DEC ethernet card, Soundblaster Live Value Ver. 2, Viewsonic GT 775


              • #67
                Originally posted by Maniac
                Sorry to have to break this to you guys, but you can't even compare ATI to Matrox right now. It's like trying to compare Intel to Cyrix. Totally different markets, strategies and volume of resources (human and otherwise)
                Totally agree here


                • #68
                  Originally posted by ElDonAntonio
                  Just to correct something that was said about 3-4 posts before, ATI/nV do NOT have >90% of the market. In fact it's more around 60%. Intel has a good chunk (~25% I think), and then comes Matrox and (I guess) 3D Labs.
                  depends what you mean by "market". there's the oem, retail, integrated, etc. Then, are you talking volume (i.e. number of units) or moneyworth?

                  SIS and VIA also sell more than Matrox...


                  • #69
                    Hmmm.. to bring this right back to where it started (only just read it).

                    Shame. But still, life goes on - it's only a videocard company

                    Haig has always done a (public) very good job. The BBz have worked hard on behalf of all of us too. So please all the BBz accept my thanks for having had stable drivers over the last few years. It's one of the things that kept me with Matrox.

                    When the Parhelia came out, I bought it because:
                    -I was used to G4x0 2d quality, and stll am
                    -I wanted a fair bit more 3d speed (and got it)
                    -Triplehead is v. useful (or 2CRT's + 1TV at the mo )
                    -I knew that Haig's TS was the best in the business
                    -I knew that drivers, whilst not necessarily "tuned" for particular apps, would be the most stable around. That is a v. good thing.

                    So, who reckons that ATi really should make Haig (and the rest of the TS team) an offer they can't refuse

                    Thanks again to the BetaBoyz (any chance of a swansong recording of a Westlife song or something? ).

                    DM says: Crunch with Matrox


                    • #70
                      Thanks to all of the BB's who helped me out with all of my issues(even though I haven't had a Matrox card in my main system for sometime now). Much appreciated

                      Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                      • #71
                        It is a shame... but I won't change my opinion on the purchase of Matrox cards (for now): if the card is good, I'd probabely still buy it... Biggest problem now is: How will we know that a card is good (if the newssites don't test the important image quality related stuff ).

                        Thanks to all you BBz guys...! And also to Haig, and keep up to good work !

                        Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by GNEP
                          So, who reckons that ATi really should make Haig (and the rest of the TS team) an offer they can't refuse
                          I wouldn't. (sorry Haig )

                          Think again: why would you want M to part with one of its most valuable asset?

                          Keeping on hitting the tree until it falls is not a GGP (good gardening practice)


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by GNEP
                            So, who reckons that ATi really should make Haig (and the rest of the TS team) an offer they can't refuse

                            Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?


                            • #74
                              I wouldn't want M to part with their most valuble asset (Haig as a commodity ... ), but ATi products (drivers seem OK these days I hear) with Haig running TS there would be a force to reckon with... and a big loss to Matrox.
                              DM says: Crunch with Matrox


                              • #75

                                There's an Opera in my macbook.

