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Matrox Marvel G400-TV AGP - Pins file

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  • Matrox Marvel G400-TV AGP - Pins file

    My problem is:
    Whit only AGP card matrox g400-tv agp in the slot, not start pc (blank screen, 6 or 7 bip)
    Prompt "vga is disabled"
    If pci videocard and AGP card matrox g400-tv agp in the slot, pc started (in bios pci boot),if run in win2k or win98 do not possible recovery bios.
    At prompt dos preoceded in Bios Recovery Diskette: Failed.
    If run Progbios.exe is prompt "invalid pins hoffset".
    In Matrox site do not find pins file in the bios setup utility. For example: setup255.exe setup257.exe ...

    Help me!!!

    Wher's "pins" file for Matrox Marvel G400-TV AGP?

  • #2

    Download this.

    Make floppy with PCI graphic card installed.

    Put floppy in drive
    Set boot order to A:
    Turn off (unplug powercord or turn off power supply).
    Remove PCI videocard.
    Install AGP card.
    Power On.
    Wait even if you hear beeps from BIOS.

    Computer should reboot after utility finishes and G400 should be working.


    • #3
      The BIOS recovery in the file, do not resolve my problem:
      if remove PCI card and install only AGP card not start pc, 6 or 7 bip and blank screen.

      My bios card is corrupted!!!

      If restore the bios PROGBIOS: failed
      "Invalid PINS offset"
      "VGA is disabled"

      My situation is: step 8
      I not saved pins file!

      1. Install the other VGA, leaving your Matrox card in place. Remember to connect the monitor cable to "the other VGA". The computer should now display bootup messages.
      2. Boot plain DOS. Very plain, with no drivers. This can be achieved by booting Win9x in command line mode (skipping config files).
      3. Go to BIOS files directory, run "PROGBIOS -i auto" and observe the results. If the BIOS programs correctly (nearly impossible), the recovery is finished. Otherwise the PROGBIOS "should" show "VGA is disabled", and the serial number displayed as "???????".
      4. If you have the emergency file (described above), try "PROGBIOS -i -k". This should restore the old BIOS and PINS.
      If it says "Invalid PINS offset", try using PROGBIOS 1.73 from SETUP343.
      5. Run "PROGBIOS -d" and observe the output. The PINS data (if found...) is dumped to the screen. Check if this contains something which makes sense, in particular the card's serial number (labeled with "7:"). If "yes", goto 6, else goto 8.
      6. Run "PROGBIOS -i auto -k" This will program the new version of BIOS, preserving the PINS.
      If this works (no error messages), check the PINS as described above. If PINS looks OK, the recovery is finished; otherwise go to step 8. (It may happen that PROGBIOS does not complain about invalid PINS.)
      If PROGBIOS barks about not recognizing board type - go to 7.
      If it barks about PINS, continue with step 8.
      If PROGBIOS says it cannot erase BIOS, or aborts in the middle of process, disable all caches and write posting in motherboard's BIOS setup (check Chipset and PCI sections) and try again from the beginning. (Remember to reenable caches and buffers after BIOS recovery).
      If PROGBIOS still complains about invalid PINS offset, change the PROGBIOS.EXE to an older version (recommended v1.73 from
      7. Find the BIOS base file name for your board in BIOS files table, check what BIOS file version you have in the MGA/SETUP folder, and try:
      PROGBIOS -i .bin -k.
      Example: The board is G200 SD AGP. Base file name is 879-x. The newest (highest numbered) version in MGA/SETUP is 879-5.bin. Use "PROGBIOS -i 879-5.bin -k".
      If PROGBIOS is unhappy with PINS, continue with next step.
      8. Find your saved PINS file, "mypins.txt"; make sure to have it in BIOS files folder. Depending of the results of step 5, run:
      PROGBIOS -i auto -s mypins.txt -k
      PROGBIOS -i .bin -s mypins.txt -k
      Now PROGBIOS should be happy, and the card should work OK.

      Wher's "pins" file for Matrox Marvel G400-TV AGP?

      Grazie mille in ogni caso.


      • #4
        You'll have to ask someone to provide you with pins file or google about.

        I recently provided someone with G400 16SH pins file. However I don't own G400 Tv, so I can't help you with file.

        Try also posting at Matrox tech support forum

        Check this site:

        It's in Japanese but it lists pins.
        Last edited by UtwigMU; 2 May 2003, 15:21.


        • #5
          i find in the site.
          pins for G400 not TV exist
          not exist file for G400-TV in the site.
          i search in google: failed search.
          This file is created automatically in proceded bios update in the floppy.
          I not saved the pins file!


          • #6
            non si capisce bene cosa succede...

            1/ hai provato a creare il pins file con progbios ma non é andato bene? (cosi pensi che il bios é corrotto?)

            2/ la matrox millennium g400-tv non esiste. puoi verificare che la tua scheda non é invece una matrox _marvel_ g400-tv? (caso mai, trovi tutto quello che é scritto sulla scheda e mettilo in una risposta quà). La marvel g400-tv ha come ID: G4+/MVTA16G (per una scheda 16MB -forse esiste una G4+/MVTA32G, ma non sono sicuro).

            3/ hai verificato che non ci sono problemi di IRQ? (con una altra scheda PCI? vedi nel manuale della tua scheda madre)

            vedi anche il manuale in italiano della marvel g400-tv:

            2 cose da vedere:
            1/ come resettare/aggiornare il bios (pagina 27)
            2/ come far funzionare 1 pci vga + 1agp vga (pagina 29)


            it's hard to understand what's happening.

            1/ you've tried to create the pins file with progbios but it didn't work well ? (so you think the bios is corrupt)

            2/the matrox millennium g400-tv doesn't exist. can you check that your card isn't instead a matrox _marvel_ g400-tv? (if you can, find all that's written on the card and post a reply here). The marvel g400-tv has an ID: G4+/MVTA16G (for a 16MB card -maybe there's a G4+/MVTA32G, but I'm not sure).

            3/ have you checked that tere isn't an IRQ problem? (with another PCI card? check in your mainboard's manual)

            check also the italian manual for the marvel g400-tv:

            [ here's the english one: ]

            2 things to check:

            1/ how to reset/update the bios (page 27)
            2/ how to make work 1 pci vga + 1 agp vga (page 29)


            • #7
              Grazie per la risposta in italiano.
              Per me sarà tutto più semplice.

              1/ se avessi usato il progbios prima del disastro avrei potuto creare il file di ripristino "pins" con tutta la piedinatura.
              Non avendolo fatto non posso ripararla senza questo file richiesto.

              2/la scheda è una
              MATROX MARVEL G400-TV

              3/Problemi di IRQ non credo proprio. altrimenti non avrei potuto:
              1.avviare il pc con g400-tv su AGP e una scheda video PCI settata in avvio VGA.
     problema è insorto senza aver fatto alcuna modifica se non l'aggiornamento del bios bloccato.
              3.progbios non avrebbe dato messaggi (in dos da avvio floppy) che evidenziano la presenza della scheda: "invalid pins offset" e "VGA disabled"

              4/5non risolvo il problema con le istruzioni nel manuale in PDF scaricato.


              Grazie per l'attenzione concessami.
              Attendo risposta.


              • #8
                3/1.: per essere sicuro, hai provato a togliere tutte le altre schede?

                anche:1/ nel bios del pc, il bus pci deve essere in modo "bus master" e un irq deve esser data alla scheda vga.
                2/ non ho la tua scheda quindi non posso verificare, ma c'era una volta un jumper che dava la possibilita di settare la scheda in due modi: uno con un altra scheda pci per il vga e l'altro come scheda unica. puoi verificare se c'é qualcosa di simile?


                • #9
                  Grazie davvero per la pazienza accordatami.
                  Tolto tutte le schede con solo la g400-tv non parte.
                  IRQ assegnato non risolve il problema.
                  Nessun cambiamento del bios della scheda madre risolve il problema.
                  Il bios della g400-tv è corrotto. Ho bisogno del Pins files.
                  Per il resto ho tutto il necessario.
                  Ti allego un esempio di Pins files per una g400 non TV.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    trovato questo in MURC:


                    (vedi il metodo descritto da OasisPlaces)


                    (questo spiega quale sono i tipi di ID della marvel)

                    il n° 1/ dovrebbe aiutarti.

