My problem is:
Whit only AGP card matrox g400-tv agp in the slot, not start pc (blank screen, 6 or 7 bip)
Prompt "vga is disabled"
If pci videocard and AGP card matrox g400-tv agp in the slot, pc started (in bios pci boot),if run in win2k or win98 do not possible recovery bios.
At prompt dos preoceded in Bios Recovery Diskette: Failed.
If run Progbios.exe is prompt "invalid pins hoffset".
In Matrox site do not find pins file in the bios setup utility. For example: setup255.exe setup257.exe ...
Help me!!!
Wher's "pins" file for Matrox Marvel G400-TV AGP?
Whit only AGP card matrox g400-tv agp in the slot, not start pc (blank screen, 6 or 7 bip)
Prompt "vga is disabled"
If pci videocard and AGP card matrox g400-tv agp in the slot, pc started (in bios pci boot),if run in win2k or win98 do not possible recovery bios.
At prompt dos preoceded in Bios Recovery Diskette: Failed.
If run Progbios.exe is prompt "invalid pins hoffset".
In Matrox site do not find pins file in the bios setup utility. For example: setup255.exe setup257.exe ...
Help me!!!
Wher's "pins" file for Matrox Marvel G400-TV AGP?