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What ya all been waiting for. The COOLEST Parhelia H²0 block

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  • #31
    I really like it.

    And the Splitter-X is awesome too.

    There's still a huge difference between actually finishing a piece of work and planning it.
    It's the one who actually finishes who does the best work no matter who has the best plan.

    So what if it's a simple piece of work - it's done and that's what's important!



    • #32
      too bad I'm so chicken about water in my rig


      • #33
        Welcome to to the board Bladerunner. nice work on that waterblock.

        Juu nin to iro

        English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


        • #34
          Originally posted by crossbonesx
          Your just jealous! The great thing about the Matrox beta program ending is that I won't have to hear the endless posts about Never winter nights not working... On top of that I am Greebe free!

          He may be an ass, but at least he's got a point about being Greebe Free! (I tease because I love )

          Anyhow on to the point at hand. If I weren't too poor I'd probably get a water cooled system. And that CPU and Parhelia heatsink just kick ass. How heavy are those things?

          Wah! Wah!

          In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penises, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.


          • #35
            Nice work, and welcome to the board Bladerunner!!!


            • #36
              You can cast a serabin copper into an RTV mold and replicate it perfectly a few hundred ties. Of coursse you'd have to sand the shit out of the piece.

              A Vacumm chamber is what you would but your RTV mold in and you'd easily get rid of the air bubbles. Or you could put baby pouder into the RTV that would prevent a great deal of the bubbles, but every cast piece has air bubbles its something you can't avoid.

              machinging this thing is easier then you think, you could easily CNC on 3 axis this part, its a matter of the right parts. As far as it fitting its just a matter of getting the right measuring tools, surface finder, calipurs etc


              • #37
                btw if you want to find out how to cleanly cast stuff even metals
                go to if you want to go into mass production on that piece I would look there, its inexpensive and the shelf life of mold with their materials can last years.


                • #38
                  Yes exactly, its easy to a point when you have the equipment and the skill to do it, but simply stating how it can be done like you are belies actually getting down and doing it. There are many factors to designing and making anything that will work.

                  As I said there are those that do, and those that don't and my guess is you don't do, or would not if you didn't have the right, (expensive), equipment by the way you try to simplify it all in a negative way.

                  The Parhelia block and others were made on a cheap mill drill, no CNC, using handtools to finish and oddly I don't remember anyone saying it was or is going to be mass produced or even reproduced. It's just a single hand made one off, so casting one would have been pointless considering the points you now bring up. The channel doesn't have to be perfectly smooth and semetrical for it to work. Using the equipment I had, (without going out and buying a $25,000 CNC machine), just holding on to it to mill the shape out was a task in itself.


                  • #39
                    First off for 100 or less you can send it to prototyping place to have it 3D printed and even out of copper.

                    First off, I do...and make no mistake I do... I design toys,cars, handheld products and built them for mass production. I designed some delorean mintures for Sunstar last year and have worked all around in product design.

                    Second, I have all the equipment I need at my finger tips, the milling machines and the prototyping facilities (CNC, lasercutter and 3D printing).

                    What kind of bothered me the most is that people want them and your not even jumping the opportunity to duplicate them. Either because you don't know the process or because you want everyone to that's the only one in existence.

                    At the end of this term I'll design one for haig and you can ask him what he thinks. Then if he likes it, I'll send you the RTV mold.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by crossbonesx

                      First off, I do...and make no mistake I do... I design ...,cars, ....
                      Hell, seems we have Chris Bangle on the board...
                      But we named the *dog* Indiana...
                      My System
                      2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
                      German ATI-forum


                      • #41

                        You definately are coming across as extremely ignorant & arrogant as your first post suggested.

                        You make brash statements & comments with no basis of fact.

                        This was made by me to for Skee, because I wanted to make it to test out a one piece GPU & Ram block making with my equipment, and to make one for a parhelia.

                        I didn't want to speed 100 or more that I didn't have to get it prototyped, just use the materials I had at hand.

                        "What kind of bothered me the most is that people want them and your not even jumping the opportunity to duplicate them. Either because you don't know the process or because you want everyone to that's the only one in existence."
                        To suggest this is frankly quite insulting, and shows how little you do know, compared to what you think you know.

                        I have been working closely with Gainward to make a water-cooler solution for them, and I'm currently selling my house so I can try to make these type of coolers for others to buy due to many requests from those that like what I do. Unlike you I don't have the required equipment at my finger tips or the money to buy them just like that.

                        Unfortunately this doesn't happen overnight, there are other factors when you have family & have to work for a living, my job (motorsport) kind of rules my life a lot of the time.

                        I have investigated many forms of producing these items and it is clear to me you haven't cast copper waterblocks or copper toy cars for than matter, It's a bit different to the monkey metal normally used for these, casting is just not an ideal for waterblocks, If it were they would all be cast, I don't know of one that is? Check out the Pro-cooling forums for more about the specifics of waterblock design & construction. Waterjet cutting is looking like a promising method after normal channel milling, this way a high quality copper stock can be used.
                        Last edited by BladeRunner; 15 June 2003, 13:44.


                        • #42
                          this thread/discussion really degenerated, i only wanted to show one kickass Cooling.

                          crossbonesx seems to be the sour part of a cake, lots of jummy and one juck. Ok so you have the Equipment but the rest of the worlds population may not have it so easy.

                          Im very greatful for Bladerunner doing this work for me and i am very lucky cause he is very sought after, there are times he gets about 300 e-mails when checking the inbox so i do understand him.

                          (Blade, you have a family? that i didnt know )


                          • #43
                            Now you guys are starting to see what we had to deal with during his very short time in the beta group.

                            Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



                            System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
                            OS: Windows XP Pro.
                            Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


                            • #44
                              Bladerunner you wasting your time trying to explain mate, it's obvious to everyone else that you put a lot of time and effort into your work and the results speak for themselves

                              Who in their right mind would want a mass produced product over a hand made one anyway
                              When you own your own business you only have to work half a day. You can do anything you want with the other twelve hours.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Indiana
                                Hell, seems we have Chris Bangle on the board...
                                Hehe, good one!!!

