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Thumbs up for Matrox!

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  • #16
    I actually don´t think matrox cheats in benchmarks.
    why? because matrox doesn´t taget the gamer market agressively enough to bother about benchmarks. besides, I don´t think they have the resources to cheat properly.

    I got the impression that they try to market the parhelia/px50 to workstation users, and that their main selling point is their productivity increasing multi monitor support. they don´t really mention the word "performance" that much on their site,(compared to the competition).

    take a look for your self:
    matrox´s high-end card:

    nvidia´s high-end card:

    it is clear to me, which company emphazises performance most.
    Last edited by TdB; 16 July 2003, 09:53.
    This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


    • #17
      I heard it cost NV big $$$ (WTF?) to make these cheats. Why not just pour that into their card so they don't need to cheat?


      • #18
        I think nvidia took some unfortunate decisions, early in the nv30 development, and that it is to late for them to improve the core, perhaps the nv40 won´t need the cheats, but right now they have to pay for their design mistakes.

        I think they designed the chip for "cinematic" rendering, and that their marketing department doesn´t "get it", so they cheat because they think speed sells.
        IMO they should have marketed their cards with their high image quality, drop the ridicules cooling solution, and admit that their card was designed for image quality and not speed. it isn´t like their cards are unplayable slow, they just aren´t the fastest.

        to be honest, when they began to hype "better pixels instead of faster pixels", I actually thought that their next card could be a nice replacement for my parhelia.

        but I don´t really trust them enough to actually buy one of their cards right now.
        Last edited by TdB; 13 July 2003, 08:03.
        This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


        • #19
          But how could they ever market their chip for image quality when their board partners are just going to cut corners with the PCB to give lousy signals out?

          Also I think nV were caught a little off-guard by the ATi R300.
          DM says: Crunch with Matrox


          • #20
            didn´t nvidia announce once that they were going to produce their own high-end cards, themself?

            I think everybody was surpriced by the R300, (maybe even ATI themself )
            Last edited by TdB; 13 July 2003, 08:11.
            This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


            • #21
              I think it was that NV would make the dustbuster cards because it was too complex and easy to mess up for their board partners.

              With NV30 they gambled and lost. (DDR2, .13u/low-k). But they could have fixed more with NV35. Supposedly they've rearranged the amount/function of their FP units. And we know there is a 256bit memory interface.

              But I think they should have used a different FSAA technique and gotten rid of all those seemingly useless and old methods.
              Last edited by bsdgeek; 13 July 2003, 08:20.


              • #22
                And a big thumbs up for the PARHELIA ... don't forget can do the 3 Monitor thing ... how many other cards can do that ?
                My Systems :
                Athlon 64 FX-55, 580W-Tagan SLi, Asus A8N SLi Deluxe, 2 x 74Gb WD Raptor 10K RPM RAID, 2 GB Corsair TwinX-XL, 2 x 512Mb PCI-E GF7800GTX SLI, SB Audigy2, Dell 2405FPW.

                P4 3.2GHz - ABIT IC7-G – Matrox Parhelia 128 8x AGP - 2GB 3200 DDR
                480W Whisper Quiet PS - 2 x 160 GB HD - 3 x 19” Viewsonic TFT’s 3840x1024
                Surround Gaming - The way it's meant to be played


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Paddy the wak
                  And a big thumbs up for the PARHELIA ... don't forget can do the 3 Monitor thing ... how many other cards can do that ?
                  almost any

                  get urself a dual head card and one PCI card.

                  hahaha just kidding

