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Any way to preserve res ratio with powerdesk on tft?

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  • Any way to preserve res ratio with powerdesk on tft?


    Just started a thread with lotsa questions earlier - but one remained:

    Does powerdesk support resolution rescaling? I mean, my tft always interpolates fullscreen, so the 4:3 800x600 res is interpolated to 5:4 1280x1024 (native res) - so it gets distorted.

    Is there any option like output centered image (that's it called in the Nvidia detonators, only available when connected by dvi though)? Or something else?

    That means that the driver offers the possibility to output only the 800x600 image with black borders - so the tft cannot rescale.

    Furthermore it's possible to rescale with respect to image ratio (to preserve it, means nearly fullscreen with only small horizontal bars) - any chance that powerdesk offers something like that?

    Sorry if I'm annoying you guys, but that's rather important for me.

    Thanks! Hannes

  • #2
    It might be worth emailing Matrox sales at for an "official" answer to this question.
    DM says: Crunch with Matrox


    • #3
      That would actually be a setting in the lcd panel (if its available). Most of them have auto-scaling so you can't turn the scalar chip off. A few have an option to disable scalar and center image in the osd.


      • #4
        Ah yes. Thanks for your answers.

        Sure, some lcd offer this feature per OSD, but mine doesn't and AFAIK most others too.

        What I don't understand is that Matrox doesn't offer that! In a german forum for lcd-users (, pretty good, but only in german) I was confirmed that both ATI and NVidia offer options like that.

        The Detonator offers that officially (Nview->Adjust image->output centered image) and the Catalyst has to be "hacked" with the Rage3DTweak or what was called...

        Just Powerdesk doesn't seem to provide that. I think I'm going to write matrox about that - let's see what they think about it. Nevertheless I consider it a really important feature since nearly all lcds are 5:4, but most games don't offer 5:4 resolutions (especially not OpenGL/Direct3D-games) and if matrox wants to attract gamers they should provide that.

        At least my 2 pesos.



        • #5
          This is exactly why I'm waiting until 1600x1200 LCDs are within price-reach before buying one

          (And of course 1 19" and 2 17" CRTs do just fine for now whilst I have the space...)
          DM says: Crunch with Matrox


          • #6
            Just a note:

            the discussion continues in following thread:

