The german "Heise Newsticker" just posted the following news (in german of course):
English summary (warning: my english is not real english):
IFA (Internationale Funk Ausstellung - International Consumer Electronics Exhibition) Heinrich-Hertz-Institute shows off enhanced video telephony
H-H-Institute will introduce on IFA in Berlin a newly developed video telephony system based on MPEG4 to make video telephony possible over low bandwith mobile phone connections.
Dr. Peter Eisert from HHI: "We've developed an MPEG4-player with the ability to show "head-shoulder-scenes" with low bitrates". It will be possible to carry mimic, "lip movement" and voice on mobile phones and pocket pcs with low data rate connections. Instead of compressing the video data an 3D model will be transmitted at the beginning of the call. Afterwards only movements and mimic data are transmitted. Voice is in sync with mimic.
Sounds familiar he?
English summary (warning: my english is not real english):
IFA (Internationale Funk Ausstellung - International Consumer Electronics Exhibition) Heinrich-Hertz-Institute shows off enhanced video telephony
H-H-Institute will introduce on IFA in Berlin a newly developed video telephony system based on MPEG4 to make video telephony possible over low bandwith mobile phone connections.
Dr. Peter Eisert from HHI: "We've developed an MPEG4-player with the ability to show "head-shoulder-scenes" with low bitrates". It will be possible to carry mimic, "lip movement" and voice on mobile phones and pocket pcs with low data rate connections. Instead of compressing the video data an 3D model will be transmitted at the beginning of the call. Afterwards only movements and mimic data are transmitted. Voice is in sync with mimic.
Sounds familiar he?