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High resolutions?

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  • High resolutions?

    Good day! I have somewhat of an odd question I guess... are there many people here that run very high resolutions for whatever reason that can say something about the 2D quality difference between Matrox and NVidia?

    I was a matrox user for a very long time before the need for polygon processing came in, but I'm still curious as to where they stand. I do 3d visualization for work and I've recently purchased another computer and I have the PNY Quadro FX3000 card in it. I also bought the Sony GDM-FW900 monitor (which seems to be very controversial, but works very well for me luckily) and I'm able to run a maximum of 2368 x 1536 @76Hz (latest 52.16 forceware with forced quadro install + powerstrip), and at that resolution even 8 point text is flawlessly clear with the quadro. It's honestly hard to imagine it being any clearer, which brings me to my question -- has anyone tried this with the Parhelia + some hi-res monitor? My guess is that the parhelia and the fx3000 are extremely close in 2D quality.. I never expected this resolution to be usable, so this is a very positive surprise for me.

    Unfortunately I do mostly 3D work, so the HR256 Parhelia wouldn't quite work for me, but the question is, would it really be superior to the fx3000 in 2D quality? Price-wise, the fx3000 is $500 cheaper, and you get excellent 3D performance also. And it supports the 3840x2400 resolution as well. The biggest advantage is that's PCI I guess, but does that make it worth it? I suppose it depends on what you do... still...

    PS: For those curious, that resolution literally maxes out the monitor, as I had to push it in 8px increments until the monitor would not accept it. I did have a good reason for it though, since this monitor is in 16:10 aspect ratio, 2304x1440 is what I started with, but when you use 2304x1536, the aspect ratio is more like at 16:10.65 which gives you some distortion... that's why I pushed the horiz. res as high up as possible, that being 2368 for this monitor.

    I'm sorry if some of these questions have already been answered, I am new to this forum and I did a quick search before making this post.. Thanks for reading!


  • #2
    Wow reading some of the threads right now, it seems Matrox is really collapsing their relationship with the consumer-level market. I guess for me personally, their HR256 doesn't seem to have an edge over the FX3000 in any way really, that would justify the $500 price jump, which makes their high-end line also a little iffy, for me at least...

    On the other hand, just to make a point that every manufacturer screws up, the first fx3000 card I ordered from NTSI technologies, was DOA with video ram being mostly dead. Considering the price of the card, I found that almost amusing. NTSI however, has excellent support, and I received a new fx3000 the next morning, no questions asked! Now _that's_ service. Also, I ordered the MSI E7505 Master-LS2 motherboard (which was $1000 CDN) through some other store, and the first two boards that came in were DOA! The third one is shipping now.. it wasn't even me that discovered that, but rather the computer store that received and tested them. My point being, all manufacturers have problems with all product lines. Matrox is going through a very rough time now it seems, and I guess one has to be a little understanding towards them. They are a business and their goal is ultimately to please their customers and succeed (I hope). It's unlikely to me that all their latest problems were intentional... I'd rather not critisize their strategies, but it does seem like something has to change.

    Sorry about this being off topic, I just wanted to share some strange experiences I had that maybe will make a handful of people feel better.


