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g550 outputs

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  • g550 outputs

    I am using the matrox g550 dual head and find that the display on my 2nd monitor is not as clear or sharp as it is on the 1st monitor.
    I noticed this when I had two different crt type monitors but attributed it to the fact that the monitors were of different manufacture. I now have two Samsung 172N monitors so they are the same type/model etc. This is a video card issue as I swapped the outputs from the card and this ‘less than clear’ attribute exhibited itself on the other monitor.
    Is this common? Is it a defect? Suggestions please.
    they are analog monitors btw

  • #2
    G550 series has a 360MHz RAMDAC for the primary output and a 230MHz for the secondary.

    Now, your monitors are 1280X1024 at 75Hz with analog inputs, which means a ~120MHz pixel clock, way below the card's limit.

    That's why I think is either your secondary monitor cable or a setting in the second display(sometimes the default AUTO under TIMING doesn't work too well, you have to finetune yourself...)



    • #3
      I run them at 1024 x 768-75.
      I have swapped the cables and there was no change. Yesterday while searching around some of the posts I saw that there was a later driver release. I dl'd it and installed it. The second display is now more clear (by about 50%) but still not quite as good, this is very evident when viewing text. I have then set at 75hz but the auto sets them at 60. Should I expect better rendering with the higher refresh or will it even matter with these monitors? also I don't understand the sync, should I be concerned and play with these types of settings?
      I expect to use these monitors for the next year and then (hopefully) upgrade to either a landscape of several 19" digital units around this time next year. Is this card up to the task of giving me the best (no gaming just business and photochopping) display with these monitors (the current ones) or would the Parhelia Video Card show me a better set of images?
      Last edited by jw; 8 January 2004, 06:36.

