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58 Million Windows 98 Users -- No Windows 98se Driver for Parhelia

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  • #16
    Have they promised to do 3D for linux ?
    Odd, 3D works under linux here with my triple-head setup

    Wah! Wah!

    In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penises, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.


    • #17
      Old, old argument.

      Why would they support a professional card on a consumer O.S. anyway? Any professional app would run on NT, 2K, or XP anyway.


      • #18
        I don't think it was a problem with development resources, the decision had to have been made way before Parhelia release when they still had the full team.


        • #19
          "58 Million Windows 98 Users -- No Windows 98se Driver for Parhelia"

          58 million Windows 98 Users, and 2 who actually want to use a parhelia with 98.

          $400 card on a $2 OS?


          • #20
            Well put Marshmallowman. Cheers.
            Alcohol and Drugs make life tolerable.


            • #21
              The point is.. how hard would it be? They already have win32 drivers for w2k.. shouldn't be too much modding needed to adapt them for 98SE.
              Errh, no. Win2k/XP have rather different driver architecture. It's not just as easyas to mod an inf-file.

              Cheers, Hannes


              • #22
                Whats the deal with video overlauy then? it definately only works on 1 head in surround mode, did it ever work across all 3? thats something i would be really interested in, which driver release supported that?

                Basically we are not going to get '98 drivers and all the other things that people are bitching about from the < 5 (or 3?) people that actually work to develop parhelia drivers , so although i understand your dissapointments its something we have to put up with, if you cant stand the card sell it and buy one thats supported, if you are willing to spend $300 on a vid card and yet are too mean to upgrade to an OS which will support it then thats pretty stupid but you could always pirate the OS and screw microsoft over for charging too much for their products. no matter what is said here, things are v.unlikely to change, matrox no longer cares about us - ROM is gone, soupy is gone. The only one left who actually seems to care about us is haig now, hes always been there for us lot but ultimately he is a muted force aboard a sinking ship as far as consumer graphics are concerned. Matrox chance has past, parhelia is coming up 2 years old now and will be v.outdated before long. Lets just hope ATI pick up surround gaming.
                is a flower best picked in it's prime or greater withered away by time?
                Talk about a dream, try to make it real.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by a_h
                  Errh, no. Win2k/XP have rather different driver architecture. It's not just as easyas to mod an inf-file.

                  Cheers, Hannes
                  having said that, more people would have bought the card 2 YEARS AGO if '98 had support - XP was fairly new, ME was a pile of shit and 2000 was not a consumer prodct so many home users were still on '98, Time and a place though and now its irrelevant.
                  is a flower best picked in it's prime or greater withered away by time?
                  Talk about a dream, try to make it real.


                  • #24
                    Thats the reason why I didn't buy the P since I was 98 for gaming and 2000 for work.
                    Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                    Weather nut and sad git.

                    My Weather Page


                    • #25
                      This is EXACTLY my situation, read my sign (I have updated now).

                      I need both Win98se and W2k.

                      I have new hardware.
                      I have old OS too.

                      I think it's stupid do not support an OS, while this OS is still supported from Micro$oft, and with this large amount of users still using it.

                      But Parhelia was born 2 years ago, only now the situation is still unchanged.

                      I think a lot of people (Matrox fan's) would purchase the Parhelia without upgrading the OS, why give to M$ some money only to have the requirements needed to install a new Graphics card ?

                      In this way, every Parhelia User must buy both the Parhelia card and a brand new OS, and this cost more to the Matrox fan that does have already a good PC with and old OS.

                      I don't think all Matrox fans are both M$ fans !!

                      Then Matrox does not have considered the users who have a newer operating system but still needed to utilize an older one (as me)

                      When I purchased my G400Max, one of the good things I found was the extensive OS support, from Windows 3.11 and up.

                      When was born Windows 3.11 ?
                      Some years before the G400Max, of course.

                      But Matrox has developed the display device drivers.

                      IT'S OLNLY A STORY FROM THE PAST.

                      Good-Bye, old Matrox.
                      You don't be as you used to be !!
                      <b><i><font size="+1">Zanna.</font></i></b>
                      <p><b><font size="-2"><hr>Current Config: Asus P4C800 Deluxe / Intel Pentium 4c 3.2 Ghz - 800 Mhz Bus / Dual 512Mb DDR 400 Ram (1Gb) / Matrox Millennium G400Max /&nbsp;&nbsp;Sound Blaster Audigy 2 /&nbsp; Western Digital WD2500JB: 250 Gb-7.2Krpm-8MBcache! / Superfloppy LS120 /&nbsp;Yamaha CRW-F1e /&nbsp;LG&nbsp;52x CDROM /&nbsp;Dual Boot 98se / W2k</font></b></p>


                      • #26
                        Go back and read what the Marshmallowman has to say.....
                        My Systems :
                        Athlon 64 FX-55, 580W-Tagan SLi, Asus A8N SLi Deluxe, 2 x 74Gb WD Raptor 10K RPM RAID, 2 GB Corsair TwinX-XL, 2 x 512Mb PCI-E GF7800GTX SLI, SB Audigy2, Dell 2405FPW.

                        P4 3.2GHz - ABIT IC7-G – Matrox Parhelia 128 8x AGP - 2GB 3200 DDR
                        480W Whisper Quiet PS - 2 x 160 GB HD - 3 x 19” Viewsonic TFT’s 3840x1024
                        Surround Gaming - The way it's meant to be played


                        • #27
                          Ok, I read.

                          But if I need BOTH the new Operating system and Windows 98se ?

                          elsewhere I don't think the potential Win98Se + Parhelia users are only 2.

                          At least two years ago was not only 2.
                          <b><i><font size="+1">Zanna.</font></i></b>
                          <p><b><font size="-2"><hr>Current Config: Asus P4C800 Deluxe / Intel Pentium 4c 3.2 Ghz - 800 Mhz Bus / Dual 512Mb DDR 400 Ram (1Gb) / Matrox Millennium G400Max /&nbsp;&nbsp;Sound Blaster Audigy 2 /&nbsp; Western Digital WD2500JB: 250 Gb-7.2Krpm-8MBcache! / Superfloppy LS120 /&nbsp;Yamaha CRW-F1e /&nbsp;LG&nbsp;52x CDROM /&nbsp;Dual Boot 98se / W2k</font></b></p>


                          • #28
                            The point is ... if you are gonna spend a lot of money on a state-of-the-art graphics card... why are you insisting on using an old OS ? ... update that too.
                            My Systems :
                            Athlon 64 FX-55, 580W-Tagan SLi, Asus A8N SLi Deluxe, 2 x 74Gb WD Raptor 10K RPM RAID, 2 GB Corsair TwinX-XL, 2 x 512Mb PCI-E GF7800GTX SLI, SB Audigy2, Dell 2405FPW.

                            P4 3.2GHz - ABIT IC7-G – Matrox Parhelia 128 8x AGP - 2GB 3200 DDR
                            480W Whisper Quiet PS - 2 x 160 GB HD - 3 x 19” Viewsonic TFT’s 3840x1024
                            Surround Gaming - The way it's meant to be played


                            • #29
                              Hey Zanna

                              I think you will like the kick performance of XP combined with the newer Pentium 4 drivers and the chipset drivers for unlocking the 800mhz FSB speed.
                              You are buying all these new hardware, why are you insisting to keep these old OS junk. XP will allow you to have increased stability as Win2K and game performance like Win98....
                              Peter Aragon
                              Matrox Parhelia 128 Retail, Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 454, Asus P4C800 Deluxe, Pentium IV 2.8 GHz 800 MHz FSB, Maxtor 120GB S-ATA, 512MB Mem, SB Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro, Gigaworks S750 speakers, AOpen DVD-R, Pioneer 16x DVD-106, 3COM 905C Networkcard.


                              • #30
                                theres a poll here to see who was effected by this:
                                is a flower best picked in it's prime or greater withered away by time?
                                Talk about a dream, try to make it real.

