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p750 on win2k - garbled, blocky text. HELP!

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  • p750 on win2k - garbled, blocky text. HELP!

    Ok, I have been using my p750 in a p4 based shuttle running windows 2000 - never had any problems.

    Now I moved it to my new HP dual-xeon system, and after loading the drivers, everything is fine (correct resolution, all three monitors work, seems stable)

    EXCEPT that all text in windows is just these unreadable blurry black blobs. Also, icons on the desktop turn to gray blobs when you select them, and they draw gray trails all over the desktop when you drag them.

    I used the very latest (sept 2003) win2k drivers ... it is in a 4x AGP slot, and in the bios I see, under AGP settings:

    Enable Master [DISABLED]
    Latency Timer [DEFAULT]
    Graphics Aperture [64 Mb]

    The p750 is a 64meg card, right ?

    Any ideas ? What else can I do besides install the drivers correctly ?

  • #2
    I thought p750 was 128m card?

    Anyway you could try slowing your AGP speed down to 2x or maybve 1x?.

    And can you check to make sure the fan is spinning on the p750....

    Failing that try uninstaling the drivers, and going to VGA mode , then reninstall?


    • #3
      ok, a few things...

      first, I see no option in the bios to slow it to 1x/2x - what I posted above are _all_ the AGP related items in the bios. I also reinstalled the drivers 2 times now.

      Fan is spinning...

      Any other thoughts ?


      • #4
        well, I have just installed win2k for the 4th time - twice from the factory recovery disk, and twice from scratch with a generic win2k CD - this happens in all of the cases.

        So, the conclusion is, the matrox p750 does not work with HP x4000 workstations, and that's that.


        • #5
          it's a 64mb card
          Juu nin to iro

          English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


          • #6
            Ok, after reading more... post this over on the matrox forums, see if Tech-support can help you.

            There pretty good over there (actually fantastic )
            Juu nin to iro

            English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.

