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microsoft net framework

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  • #16
    hmm... that picture scanning thing sounds REALLY interesting! Lots of AI there i bet. (and very smart too)

    The fact that he said nvidia cards will run almost all the 3d effects... surprised me... I think NVIDIA has the worse GDI+ implementations avilible. but whatever, longhorn actually sounds quite interesting...

    and the fact that the sandwitches are great there... makes me wanna work at msft for 1 second not anymore tho

    speaking of jobs, i wanna work at nvidia after graduating... i heard they have really good working environments there. Wonder if there's any NVIDIA employees on MURC that can comment on this...


    • #17
      Originally posted by Chrono_Wanderer
      The fact that he said nvidia cards will run almost all the 3d effects... surprised me...
      He only showed us the most basic effects and noted that they were currently possible with nvidia hardware and drivers. The feature I remember him talking about most is transparent windows.

      He was playing it down as "just scratching the surface". He said that there were far more advanced 3D GUI features (not available with current nvidia drivers) that he wasn't allowed to show us.

      @Chrono, Any interest in working for ATI? They're just down the street from you.
      P.S. You've been Spanked!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Chrono_Wanderer
        and the fact that the sandwitches are great there... makes me wanna work at msft for 1 second not anymore tho
        I'm going to an all day "security" seminar at the Toronto Congress Center on Wednesday. Ballmer is going to be giving a keynote speech so I bet that the food is going to be pretty good there too!

        I've been to the Congress Center for similar events before. The facilities are pretty good but the event logistics there are terrible. The people flow they setup for these sessions is really bad. And they never have enough washrooms open. I was at a Microsoft event held at the Royal York hotel last year and it was much better organised.

        The food at the Congress Center can vary greatly. I was there for a Tech Data Reseller Meet & Greet a couple of years ago with an open bar and a carving table and tons of expensive looking horderves. And on the other side of the scale I was there for an IBM internet strategy day where they literally served boxed lunches with a half sandwich, an apple, and a juice box--a small juice box. On the plus side they gave us a cool mousepad that was filled with jelly and had various IBM and Lotus logos floating inside it. I used it for almost a year.

        The Microsoft events kind of hit a middle ground in terms of the food quality. My big complaint is that the Congress Center has really bad food logistics and people end up waiting most of the lunch break just to get served.

        Once a year we get invited to a Microsoft Certified Partner Breakfast Meet & Greet at some fancy hotel downtown. They fly Bill Gates in for the morning and you get to have your picture taken with him. It must be one of the low points of his job. I've never gone to one of these. I want to meet Bill under better circumstances. Two of my favourite books are Hard Drive and Overdrive. They both talk about Bill, the man, and that's the guy I'd one day like to get to know. Like him or hate him, you have to admit that he's accomplished at lot--sometimes by the skin of his teeth.
        Last edited by schmosef; 23 February 2004, 01:36.
        P.S. You've been Spanked!

