After installing the Visual Studio 2005 technology preview Powerdesk won't work anymore. The technology preview installs .NET 2.0. Use the following solution:
In the system32\PowerDesk8\ directory make a file Matrox.PowerDesk.PDeskNet.exe.config and place the following text inside:
Haig, please let this file be included in the next driver release. It only makes sure the correct .NET version is used. This way you can make sure newer .NET versions installed won't break the app.
In the system32\PowerDesk8\ directory make a file Matrox.PowerDesk.PDeskNet.exe.config and place the following text inside:
<supportedRuntime version="v1.1.4322"/>
<requiredRuntime version="v1.1.4322"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v1.1.4322"/>
<requiredRuntime version="v1.1.4322"/>