I picked up a few G200's for some Linux/BSD systems I'm building and put one in my current PC to test it out.
I've noticed that with this card the responsivness of the UI has dropped quite a bit. I'm wondering if adding the extra 8MB would help things out any?
This is the SD version of the card, btw.
Just out of interest, the specs of the retro workstation will be:
It's mainly a project that I'm building for fun and to learn Linux/*BSD on
I've noticed that with this card the responsivness of the UI has dropped quite a bit. I'm wondering if adding the extra 8MB would help things out any?
This is the SD version of the card, btw.
Just out of interest, the specs of the retro workstation will be:
- Dual PPro 180MHz
- PR440FX
- 2x 9.1GB SCSI HDD's
- Millennium G200
It's mainly a project that I'm building for fun and to learn Linux/*BSD on