That's the RSN chip. (Render Subject Nude)
No announcement yet.
What they are doing at Matrox???
I remember when the Parhelia board came out and there was a discussion on what could have gone there. RSN, of course was widely expected. Does this mean you have a beta board and can't talk about the chip itself, or is it something different?
The newer boards, and retail p boards don't have the chip.
Originally posted by dshumake
I remember when the Parhelia board came out and there was a discussion on what could have gone there. RSN, of course was widely expected. Does this mean you have a beta board and can't talk about the chip itself, or is it something different?
The newer boards, and retail p boards don't have the chip.
dshumake"And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz
It was a chip there on the pre-release boards...
As I have understood from pepole har at the forum with more knowlege of Matrox than me, this chip is one of many feaurures that was suposed to be on the Parhelia, but didn't make it...
Alot of feautures was also broken on the original Parhelia (FAA 16x issues, banding issuues, missing suport for DirectX 9 vertex shader....)
So what's everyone's take. Is Matrox just milking the P tech while it can and planning to exit the industry or will they ever, like in the next 10 years, come out with something new and current to the standards at the time?P.S. You've been Spanked!
Parhelia was originally supposed to support some hi-res video transfer. I forget the name, but you can see it on their original feature lists from before the card was released.Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.
Originally posted by schmosef
I'm no lawyer, nor am I so unhappy that I'd pursue it, but it seems like so much is missing from the P that there are grounds for a class action law suit.
As for Matrox developing a successor to the Parhelia, they will do it on their terms. They are not a publicly traded company and (I beleive) still run by the founders in Montreal, Quebec. No consumer shareholders driving things so they have always done as they please. People have been saying that Matrox has been going down the tubes for some time now, but they're still alive. Busy regurgitating the GPU in products that don't appeal to me, but obviously somebody must be buying them. I just wish one of the big boys would buy them out and implement the Surround Gaming / Triple head technology with a worthy GPU.Alcohol and Drugs make life tolerable.
Thats a specialty card for the IBM 'big bertha' 9MP display. Its been out for a while. The 'genlocking' feature is so that when you move windows etc around on the display it doesn't tear... because the way that panel gets driven is as 4 individual display 'strips' on 4 dvi channels.
I was really bummed a month or so ago. Someone sold one of those IBM T221 displays on eBay for $2050. I would happily have paid $2500 for it, but I had no money.
What a pisser - that display is like the Concorde (It'll be 30 years before it's superceded)
- Steve