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Is my P650 defective?

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  • Is my P650 defective?

    Hi there

    I bought a refurbished/replaced P650, I had a G400 before and I find out some wierdness in screen redraws. When a big windows gets closed or opened I see the diagonal lines for a glich of a second. Also when I do shutdown in start menu before screen is ghosted I see the redraw in diagonal lines. Also when I minimize opera the icons on destktop blink and redraws, sometimes quite slow (but less than 1 second). Using G400 the blink is almost unnoticable...

    I don't know if this is some wierd problem with the card or is it design a little different than on G400... I tried performance test with G40 and P650 at

    Benchmark & PC test software. Computer forensics and loopback test plugs for burn in testing.

    and I get all 2D benchmark higher than G400 EXCEPT 2D solid box test is less than 1/2 of the G400 speed! Like if the rectangle box drawing would be slower that it should be. Powerstri shows me 230Mhz memory and 190 Mhz engine clock. Is this normal for this card?

    Does it make any sense? I can return the card but I bought it via Ebay in another country. I have to know if it is defective first...

    I use dual screen, one DVi and one VGA but tried many things, nothing helps. Using Win2k with the latest stable drivers, the beta ones didn't make any improvement. I flashed the BIOS to the new version also.



  • #2
    I have a P650, before my current setup of a 2166Mhz AthlonXP (so 3000+) with 1gig of ram, I had a horrible 1050Mhz celeron with 384 mb of ram. I actually whined on this forum about slow screen and box redraws at the same time as loving the 2D quality.

    The much faster system has helped a lot with the redraws (this is using Windows XP) so I am guessing that you might have a relatively slow system yourself. I didn't find anything afterwards that made me think 'i should have done x or y' to speed it up, I just think the faster motherboard, ram, cpu was necessary to support the P650.

    Good luck either way.


    • #3
      Hi there

      Thank you for reply. I have XP 2200 and 1 Gb of RAM also now...

      So how is it working for you now? Can you still notice it?



      • #4
        Yeah I still notice it a little bit - for instance when I open the control panel, the icons can take maybe half a second or a second to all draw.

        To be honest I have got used to it now. The previous card I had was a Radeon 9700 Pro which was veeery fast in redrawing, so I noticed the difference a lot more then.

        I am at work now so I can't check, but I think there is an option to cache icons somewhere, maybe that can help.

        Good luck either way.


        • #5
          Thank you. Well, I guess that is a "feature" of the card then, not a defective card. I am used to my G400 and G450 that are old cards and redraw very fast. Seems P650 isn't as fast in redraw, but it is a nice picture, much better 3D and nice 2D also. It is just funny I am seening this diagonal redraw blocks at times on my desktop.




          • #6
            I have problem with redraw speed, too. Sometimes. I asked it here before and all said extra harddisk for swap files should help. Well, not really. Since you also have similar experiences. I guess that it is a speed problem of p650. I have P4 2.4 with 1GB RAM. The swap files are delpoyed on two separate harddisks, one of them SCSI. I suppose that we have to live with that and wait for the Next Gen Magix.

            I see diagnal lines during system start-up, when the screen is totally black. But not after windows is already loaded.


            • #7
              Originally posted by chaoliang
              I have problem with redraw speed, too. Sometimes. I asked it here before and all said extra harddisk for swap files should help. Well, not really. Since you also have similar experiences. I guess that it is a speed problem of p650. I have P4 2.4 with 1GB RAM. The swap files are delpoyed on two separate harddisks, one of them SCSI. I suppose that we have to live with that and wait for the Next Gen Magix.

              I see diagnal lines during system start-up, when the screen is totally black. But not after windows is already loaded.
              Where do you have redraw problems then if not on desktop?

              I have 2 IBM 120Gb disks on Raid 0 and separate partition for temp file, this should work. And G400 and G450 didn't have this problem.



              • #8

                just to let you know, here's one way of increasing the icon cache, you should be ok as you have a lot of ram.

                I guess another thing would be to use a small size desktop background image.

                Hope that helps, remember to take a backup of your registry or at least make a system restore point before you do anything in the registry.


                • #9
                  Thanx, I'll try. It helps if I unset DONT SHOW ICONS In FULL COLOUR, but then the icons are not very nice :-(

                  I don't have a background image, just default blue :-)




                  • #10
                    @jerry2: The diagnal lines appear during start-up, but the redraw problem occurs after the system is loaded, when windows must be refreshed.

