Hi guys,
A month ago I upgraded my system using 865 chipset motherboard supports for AGP..
(4GB RAM, 1.6TB HDDs, 3.6 660 64bit Intel..)
I now know the chipset will not give me the best performance and not so good for upgrade
in the future..
But as you can see, there's no choice if I want to go on with Parhelia AGP..
(In fact, I ordered the system for 3.73ee, but cancelled on the way because I didn't want to buy
another PCI-Ex VGA card. )
I wonder if matrox is working on Parhelia PCI-E..
I don't have any interests in PXXX seiries but just in Parhelias..
Anyone knows???
Just curious, I don't have enough money for another updgrade for now..^^
A month ago I upgraded my system using 865 chipset motherboard supports for AGP..
(4GB RAM, 1.6TB HDDs, 3.6 660 64bit Intel..)
I now know the chipset will not give me the best performance and not so good for upgrade
in the future..
But as you can see, there's no choice if I want to go on with Parhelia AGP..
(In fact, I ordered the system for 3.73ee, but cancelled on the way because I didn't want to buy
another PCI-Ex VGA card. )
I wonder if matrox is working on Parhelia PCI-E..
I don't have any interests in PXXX seiries but just in Parhelias..
Anyone knows???
Just curious, I don't have enough money for another updgrade for now..^^