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CPU upgrade results in lower graphics performance?

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  • CPU upgrade results in lower graphics performance?

    I have just upgraded my PC from a PIII 1GHz to an AthlonXP 3000+ hoping to give my PC a boost to allow me to run a flight simulator that I plan to buy (Reflex XTR).

    I have a Matrox G400 MAX that I love (because of DualHead) so I don't want to have to buy an new GFX card. Hence the CPU upgrade.

    Before the upgrade I was getting around 1300 in 3D mark 2001, yet now I get less than 1000. How can this be? Are there BIOS settings that I need to adjust? I have reloaded Windows to start 'clean'. Other than the CPU, Motherboard and RAM the computer is just as it was before.

    Anyones input on this is greatly apreciated.

  • #2
    Is your card running in AGP 4x mode, and are fast writes enabled in the bios etc?


    • #3
      Originally posted by rylan
      Is your card running in AGP 4x mode, and are fast writes enabled in the bios etc?
      Yes and yes. Is there anything else I should be looking for in the BIOS that could be reducing performance?


      • #4
        What do you mean by reloaded? Completelly fresh or installed again on top?


        • #5
          Completely fresh, I formatted the partition before re-installing Windows.


          • #6
            I have managed to increace the score in 3D Mark to 1600 by re-installing the VIA AGP drivers (perhaps they were not correctly installed before?). I'm still a little dissapointed with the performance increace as it is not enough for the simulator.

            Thanks a lot for the advice!


            • #7
              Well, you're graphics card limited badly...performance increase couldn't be much.


              • #8
                Yeah thats probably about it then. 1300 to 1600 is a pretty good improvement by just going to a faster cpu. So its definately limited by the graphics card.
                You can always try the tweak utility and overclock the card GPU and memory a little.


                • #9
                  Yeah iirc all the 3DMark benchmarks are almost totally GPU-dependent.

                  See this link and article:

                  Although why anyone is interested in a 3DMark03 result when they have a Matrox, especially a Gxxx is beyond my understanding - it's just too painful


                  • #10
                    G400 kind of doesn't scale past GHz CPU, so you want a new graphic card for flight sims.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the advice. I think a new Gfx card is in order then. I don't think I can afford a new Matrox though.


                      • #12
                        "New" Matrox wouldn't be very optimal choice when it comes to getting high performance in games anyway...


                        • #13
                          If you want a Matrox then you can get them with 40% - 50% discount on ebay (2nd hand) or these forums usually recommend the Sapphire ATI cards for their good image quality. I'm not an expert (I have a P650) but the new X800s are about the same price or a bit less as a Parhelia on ebay and also give dual monitor support. It will eat a G400 for breakfast in games (as will any new ATI) and the IQ is probably acceptable to most people, even after a Matrox.


                          • #14
                            Check the AGP aperature size. It may be something to do with that.
                            Nothing is impossible, some things are just unlikely.


                            • #15
                              Faithfull to your sig while posting, huh Fluff?

