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P650 causing problems waking up from standby

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  • P650 causing problems waking up from standby

    Hi guys
    Yesterday I replaced my trusty G550 with a P650. After about 20 restarts I got my displays up and running the way I like. (damned if I notice any difference in display or performance so far, but thats another story)
    Anyway - put the rig on standby in the evening - suspend to ram mode and this morning when I clicked it back on I could hear the drives spin back up and the CRT's power up - but no video - the card wouldnt wake up. I had to do a hard reset. Is this a known issue? I am using the latest Matrox BIOS.
    Asus PCH-DL
    Dual Xeon 2.4
    2gb PC2700
    2 x Samsung SATA
    Windows XP Pro SP2

    Last edited by James Loudon; 25 October 2005, 02:07.

  • #2
    I've never had such a problem. I've got both Parhelia and P650 cards.
    P.S. You've been Spanked!


    • #3
      my p650 resumes fine from S1 suspend. However, I can't get S3 working for some weird reason (windows enters S1 no matter which setting in the BIOS), so I have no way to test the p650 with S3.


      • #4
        S3 just seems to be a problem with some combinations of kit. The two machine I have here now are the only ones that have ever worked properly like that. At least they were until P650 arrived on the scene. I have posted a similar question direct to Matrox and I just know the response will be something along the lines of:
        Try updating your motherboard BIOS (which I wouldnt do, even if I wasn't already using the latest one)
        Use S1 instead (which I wont do either)
        I think I may go back to the 550 unless I can get a definate plan.

        edit - just got a reply by Peter B at Matrox where he suggested "using latest Matrox drivers and also make sure that you have the latest bios for the motherboard."

        And actually it works now - but that is just the once. Shall wait and see how it pans out.
        Last edited by James Loudon; 25 October 2005, 08:52.


        • #5
          You're Ice9 from Ars, right .


          • #6
            Hi Utwig - yeah its me. How you doing?
            I have since decided that there is no tangible benefit for me in the P650 and it is gone and on eBay and my old G550 is back in. It would have been a different story if I had needed 3d performance and/or dual DVI support - but I didn't. I just had that ol' upgrade bug. You know the one.


            • #7
              Well for 3D performance you want a Parhelia and even then the word performance is an euphemysm .

              G400/G450/G550 ~= GF2MX performance (no T&L)
              P650 ~= GF2 (better shaders - 1.3)
              Parhelia ~= Ti4200/5600/8500 performance with on par shaders.


              • #8
                ok this is weird. I've always had problems with S1 standby on my HTPC which had several hw components that had known issues with standby. My workstation wouldn't enter S3 as reported above. Then I found this utility, called Sleeper. It'll enter any power management mode you define and will cycle it as often as you want to test it with a defined waiting period between entering and waking from these modes.
                Using this utility I could enter S3 just fine on both my workstation as well as my HTPC (which surprised me even more).

                Now that I know that S3 works just fine on both systems, while S1 will completely lock up my HTPC, the issue is how to make windows use S3 instead of S1 when it goes to standby...

                edit: all issues resolved! You can force windows to go to S3 instead of S1 (if S3 is available) by downloading dumppo.exe from microsoft and running it with the following parameters in a command prompt:
                dumppo admin minsleep=S3
                Last edited by dZeus; 5 November 2005, 17:48.

