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G400 TurboICD miniGL announced!

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  • #16
    Erm sorry are you saying your V2's are running at 1600x1200 in 32-bit colour? I'm a little lost here you do know that is impossible?


    • #17
      It is possible, you just need to be completely mad, mistaken or lying



      • #18
        Maybe he thinks: 16bit + 16bit = 32bit



        • #19
          Heh heh, building on Jorden's suggestion...
          he thinks he has a Voodoo4 (2xVoodoo2 ? ) and after looking at the specs, is sure that his Voodoo4 can do 32bit @ 1600x1200?

          I do like your method of deduction though. I looked at my CPU fan and it was spinning, so it must be that which is causing the world to spin? No, that didn't quite work, did it?


          PS: Some or all of the above message may be wrong, or, just as likely, correct. Depends on what mood I'm in. And what you know. ;¬)

          [This message has been edited by SteveC (edited 09-23-1999).]


          • #20
            Your CPU fan moves enough air, in a violent motion, to create another hurricane, Steve


            • #21
              Oh! NO! I'm sorry everyone! I think the heads moving in my hard drive have been causing earthquakes too!


              • #22
                It's time to shut down your PC, Steve, look what power your pulling from the grid...
                At least after you unplugged all the hardware your neighbours have light again ...

                [This message has been edited by Jorden (edited 09-23-1999).]


                • #23
                  s-s-s-s-s-shuuuutt-t-t it down?


                  PS: Some or all of the above message may be wrong, or, just as likely, correct. Depends on what mood I'm in. And what you know. ;¬)


                  • #24
                    Sorry about the bitching folks...

                    When I made my past whines about the TurboGL I was cranky, sick, and misinformed. Now that I'm better rested, I realize I sound like a bitchly little Tombman.

                    I'm sorry.

                    And I'm actually grateful that Matrox is working on this.

                    K6-2/350@400, 503+ rev 1.2a, 128MB PC100 RAM, Millenium G200, RH6.0 w/ 2.2.12, Win98, and too many classes
                    Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


                    • #25
                      Hello Ant.
                      Yeah thats what I thought but as I have already indicated my findings in the above posts, this seems to be true. I have posted on other forums to see if anyone else is aware of this. I cant be the only one.
                      With the creative OpenGL32.dll in the Q2/3 directory :
                      In Q3 it defaults to the "GL Driver : default" setting and will not let me use 'voodoo' option. I can then select 1600x1200 res and 32bit colour depth and 32 texture quality. Pull down the console and the writing it very small-indicating the high res. To verify the voodoo boards are working I have only to touch the heatsinks on the V2 chips (I installed) and they are HOT. The G400 doesnt get that hot anyway but it is cooler than when it is being used so indicating that the V2 boards are running and at this res. The "Driver Info" also says I am using the Opengl32.dll as opposed the the G400ICD.
                      In Q2 I may choose between the G400 or V2 by selecting 'default OpenGl' or '3dfx openGl'(after renaming the OpenGL32.dll to 3dfxgl.dll). In any case I may choose 1600x1200 res and its evident from the poorer picture quality when I am using the 3dfx opengl and the voodoo2 cards are hot again.
                      Very impressive, huh. Well I was impressed anyway.
                      If Lamfdtk or anyone else with a G400 and CL V2 setup would care to try this out and indicate their findings would be more than welcomed. Because I am baffled by this one.
                      BTW. from the Opengl32.dll readme I quote:
                      "Version dated 06/10/99
                      Added Large (512x512) Textures for Quake3"
                      Not sure if this has much to do with it.

                      [This message has been edited by Frank (edited 09-24-1999).]


                      • #26
                        Phil(Larry), Jordan(Curly), Steve(Moe).
                        Please excuse me for my courtesy. I find your remarks derogatory. Exclusively about the liar.
                        I am seeking assistance not only on this forum but others.
                        So far this is the only forum I have had clowns responding to my query with such behavior.
                        I would more than welcome constructive critisism regarding a negative aspect of my conduct on this forum, but I believe that I have maintained a corteous nature and am more than willing to be helpful to other users on this forum. As I believe it should be. I own a Matrox product and am aware that the forums are the best places to make friends and contacts regarding the technical issues surrounding their use.
                        Thanks matey.

                        [This message has been edited by Frank (edited 09-24-1999).]


                        • #27
                          Hello Flenn,
                          I managed to get someones monitor today.
                          I unplugged the passthru cable from the G400 (left it hanging off the input to the Voodoo2).
                          I plugged this monitor(primary monitor) into the G400 output.
                          I kept my monitors'(secondary monitor) origonal connection to the Voodoo2 output and fired it up.
                          I started Quake2 and the primary screen started cycling quake2 demo.
                          Went to video options, chose '3dfx Opengl', hit enter and the secondary monitor came to life. The primary idled with a grey screen.
                          Chose 1600x1200 for the resolution and it started cycling through the timedemo with aplomb.
                          As usual the text is all screwed up past 1280x960 in the console.
                          Thanks for the tip Flenn. This aint no useful info on this forum but I will inform my Voodoo2 bretherens of this case.
                          Yes I am standing on a very tall fence.


                          • #28
                            Frank, let me get this straight:

                            - You've a V2 SLI rig built from Creative Lab's Voodoo2 boards.

                            - You've verified that you're running at 1600x1200 on the Voodoo2's.

                            - You're using the latest drivers from Creative, plus their MiniGL?

                            I'm asking because I have a V2 SLI rig (mismatched cards), which will be shortly replaced with a V2 SLI rig built from Creative Labs refurbed V2's (they're $30 right now), and if what you're saying is true, I'm going to be a happy camper. :-)

                            Primary System: PIII-540 (450@4.5x120), Soyo 6BA+ III, 256MB PC100 ECC SDRAM, G400 MAX in multi-monitor mode. V2 SLI rig. Two Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900u monitors, 3Com 3C905, SoundBlaster Live!, Altec Lansing AC5 spkrs, 2nd Parallel Port, WD AC41800 18GB HD, WD AC310100 10GB HD, Toshiba SD-M1212 6x DVD-ROM, HP 8100i CD-RW, Epson Stylus Pro, Sharp JX-9400 LJ-II compatible, OptiUPS PowerES 650, MS SideWinder Precision Pro USB joystick, Logitech 3-button mouse, Mitsumi keyboard, Win98 SE, Belkin OmniCube 4-port KVM

                            Secondary System: PII-266, Asus P2B BIOS 1008, 128MB PC100 ECC SDRAM, Millennium II, 3Com 3C590, ADSL Modem 640kbit down/90kbit up, 3Com 3C509, Mylex BT-930 SCSI card, Seagate 2GB Hawk, NEC 6x CD-ROM, Linux distro S.u.S.E. 6.1 (IP Masquerade works!)

                            Tertiary System: DFI G568IPC Intel 430HX chipset, P200MMX, 96MB of non-parity RAM, Millennium II, Intel Pro/100+ client NIC, SoundBlaster 16 MCD, Fujitsu 3.5GB HD, WD 1.2GB HD, Creative Dxr3 DVD decoder card, Hitachi GD-2500 6x DVD-ROM, Win98 SE

                            All specs subject to change.

                            The pessimist says: "The glass is half empty."
                            The optimist says: "The glass is half full."
                            The engineer says: "I put half of my water in a redundant glass."


                            • #29
                              Dont know what to say except, yup.
                              Since I can play Q2 at 1600x1200 quite comfortably with the G400...I'm guessing around 30fps....I much prefer the visual quality than the V2 speed. I only keep my voodoo2 essentially for unreal and I am starting to like the visuals the G400 puts out in that so there is not much future for my speedy v2's.
                              BTW wheather you use the G400 or the voodoo2, try using the 'Highest visual quality' autoexec.cfg for Q2 found at:
                              It will improve the gamma for the G400 and is a visual difference especially noticable with the V2's. G400 couldnt be improved on much.
                              I am sure it should work for you.
                              Please LMK.


                              • #30
                                Frank, it seems like you used 2 monitors for that experiment. Just want to point out that you don't need to. With the passthrough removed, just plug your monitor's VGA cable in the G400 output to view games with G400, or the V2 SLI output to view games with the V2's.

