Uh....... I've got this problem with half life. Whenever I start a game either on single player or multiplayer, the game runs properly for a while, then buckles up. Graphics are frozen and the sound is screwed... Any ideas?
I've got all the latest drivers to date (i.e. ICDG400 driver and driver is version 5.25). The game itself is also patched to the latest version running on OpenGL.
I don't believe that I'm overkilling the card or anything, because I'm only running it on 640 x 480.
My PC:
PIII 500 on a ABit BE-6, SB Live,
256 mb SDRam,
G400 32 Mb Ram,
17GB Seagate H.D.D, (dunno why I put that there)
My Autoexec.cfg file is as follows:
bind 1 slot1
bind 2 slot2
bind 3 slot3
bind 4 slot4
bind 5 slot5
bind 6 slot6
bind 7 slot7
bind 8 slot8
bind 9 slot9
bind 0 slot10
gl_ztrick "1"
gl_dither "1"
gl_polyoffset "2"
gl_lightholes "1"
gl_keeptjunctions "1"
r_decals "1"
r_drawviewmodel "1"
r_shadows "0"
cl_himodels "1"
gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
gamma "3.0"
gl_playermip "0"
gl_picmip "0"
gl_round_down "0"
gl_texsort "1"
gl_overbright "1"
scr_conspeed "8000.00"
gl_palette_tex "1"
r_decals "2000"
Anything I missed out? Hey sorry I'm kindof a newbie at this
I've got all the latest drivers to date (i.e. ICDG400 driver and driver is version 5.25). The game itself is also patched to the latest version running on OpenGL.
I don't believe that I'm overkilling the card or anything, because I'm only running it on 640 x 480.
My PC:
PIII 500 on a ABit BE-6, SB Live,
256 mb SDRam,
G400 32 Mb Ram,
17GB Seagate H.D.D, (dunno why I put that there)
My Autoexec.cfg file is as follows:
bind 1 slot1
bind 2 slot2
bind 3 slot3
bind 4 slot4
bind 5 slot5
bind 6 slot6
bind 7 slot7
bind 8 slot8
bind 9 slot9
bind 0 slot10
gl_ztrick "1"
gl_dither "1"
gl_polyoffset "2"
gl_lightholes "1"
gl_keeptjunctions "1"
r_decals "1"
r_drawviewmodel "1"
r_shadows "0"
cl_himodels "1"
gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
gamma "3.0"
gl_playermip "0"
gl_picmip "0"
gl_round_down "0"
gl_texsort "1"
gl_overbright "1"
scr_conspeed "8000.00"
gl_palette_tex "1"
r_decals "2000"
Anything I missed out? Hey sorry I'm kindof a newbie at this
