Fist of all, my system:
P3 450 oc 600 (133x4.5)
QDI BrillianX 1S
128mb SDRAM
G400 32mb DH oc 165/206 (with MgaTweak)
SB Live basic
Windows 98 with SE patch (Italian version)
DX 7 (final English version)
Driver ver 5.30
Monitor: 1024/85hz--800/85hz--640/100hz
I obtain very disappointing results with Q3Test 1.08. I reinstalled the demo, and the drivers several times (with pd uninstall). I tried to change video bios/shadow settings in bios. I tried not to overclock the card. I tried also to change Powerdesk registry settings with G400Tweak. I tried to change deskop colour depth/resolution. I tried all of above with a fresh Win98 installation (I have it on my 2nd HD; I use it only for watching DVDs).
That's my results (timedemo 1 - demo q3demo1.dm3). They are obtainded at 32bit color, with 16bit z-buffer, and everything to max (even textures quality an trilinear filtering). Sound is low. Game option all on, except for v-sync (I controlled in "q3config.cfg" too) and flare.
1024 28,1 28,4
800 41,6 43,1
640 47,3 62,5
I also tried to run test with vsyc on and TurboGL. I obtainde the SAME results as v-syc off (that's very strange). For that reason, I tried to change 800x600 refresh from 85hz to 100hz (I thought maybe v-sync can't be disabled): same results. At last, i tried to install the previous beta driver (the one that come in G400icd.exe). I obtained:
1024 28,7
800 43,6
640 51,7
Compare with the previous ones...
My TurboGL version is (is the same than yours?)
My g400icd.dll vesion is 5.30.006
Why are it so LOW? Why no differences with v-sync on/off? I can't get it.
I tried also Q2, and I obtainde 110fps in 640x480x32. I think that result is correct.
Can you help me? Have you an explanation?
P3 450 oc 600 (133x4.5)
QDI BrillianX 1S
128mb SDRAM
G400 32mb DH oc 165/206 (with MgaTweak)
SB Live basic
Windows 98 with SE patch (Italian version)
DX 7 (final English version)
Driver ver 5.30
Monitor: 1024/85hz--800/85hz--640/100hz
I obtain very disappointing results with Q3Test 1.08. I reinstalled the demo, and the drivers several times (with pd uninstall). I tried to change video bios/shadow settings in bios. I tried not to overclock the card. I tried also to change Powerdesk registry settings with G400Tweak. I tried to change deskop colour depth/resolution. I tried all of above with a fresh Win98 installation (I have it on my 2nd HD; I use it only for watching DVDs).
That's my results (timedemo 1 - demo q3demo1.dm3). They are obtainded at 32bit color, with 16bit z-buffer, and everything to max (even textures quality an trilinear filtering). Sound is low. Game option all on, except for v-sync (I controlled in "q3config.cfg" too) and flare.
1024 28,1 28,4
800 41,6 43,1
640 47,3 62,5
I also tried to run test with vsyc on and TurboGL. I obtainde the SAME results as v-syc off (that's very strange). For that reason, I tried to change 800x600 refresh from 85hz to 100hz (I thought maybe v-sync can't be disabled): same results. At last, i tried to install the previous beta driver (the one that come in G400icd.exe). I obtained:
1024 28,7
800 43,6
640 51,7
Compare with the previous ones...
My TurboGL version is (is the same than yours?)
My g400icd.dll vesion is 5.30.006
Why are it so LOW? Why no differences with v-sync on/off? I can't get it.
I tried also Q2, and I obtainde 110fps in 640x480x32. I think that result is correct.
Can you help me? Have you an explanation?