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G200 DirectX problems

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  • G200 DirectX problems

    Hey. I've got a 8Meg G200 (SGRAM version) running on an Epox MVP3G rev .4 with a K6-2 350, and nothing overclocked. Oh, soundcard is a Diamond MX300.

    I've been quite happy with it OpenGL wise with the 5.25 drivers (mmm... HalfLife is pretty, and doesn't freeze anymore). But when I try to play a D3D game, it freezes within a minute of starting. I'd love to check out Drakan, and System Shock 2. I can tell they look pretty, it is just that the whole system is locked in much less than a minute after I start playing. I have to cold boot.

    Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it. I hope I don't have to re-format, but if it comes to that.

    oh: I've got latest Via drivers, bios 2.3 and PowerDesk 5.25.

    think that is all you need.


  • #2
    I really hate to say it, but...maybe the re-install. I havent much experience with the SS7 setup so I can't help there, but I had this prob with my g2008meg on my current board and setup. I had to change my motherboard even after a f-disk etc. Covered under warranty, (whew). Could always try pulling one component at a time until you find it. Or better yet, do the f-disk, format, and install OS. For hardware, just the mb,cpu,mem,hd,fd,cd,and video card/mon. Add software,and hardware one in at a time until prob occurs. Pretty basic but it works. Good luck.

    AssuP2B ,iCeleron337, 128megs PC100, G40032megSH, Yamaha PCI sound, 2 small HD's, 42X Sony CDrom and 98SE w/shutdown patch, PD 5.30 w/beta ICD

    AMD XP2100+, 512megs DDR333, ATI Radeon 8500, some other stuff.


    • #3
      Thanx for those thoughts, but I'm wondering if anyone with a similar (MVP3 prefered) has any ideas, or is this something that several people have had independent of system setup?

      and I forgot to mention that I was using DirectX 6.1, upgraded to 7 (final version, if you can call it that) thinking that might help, but it only made other things worse, so I ran the uninstaller that was posted here earlier, and reinstalled 6.1. Still no go though.


      • #4
        Having similar problems (see my post in Hardware Forum
        Problem may be with DX. Win98SE installs 6.1a, and that is a problem. Win98 installs something older, which is at least stable.

        Don't know the answer.

        G200 8MB SG
        PD 5.30
        Bios 2.6
        AMD K6-2 333 (350 oc'd)
        FIC 2013 1MB PCB 1.1
        Bios 1.15JF31
        256MB PC100
        SBLive Value
        VIA: 4-IN-1 4.14
        PCI Bridge 1.6
        USB filter 1.06
        Microsoft Intellimouse USB
        System: P4 2.4, 512k 533FSB, Giga-Byte GA-8PE667 Ultra, 1024MB Corsair XMS PC333, Maxtor D740x 60GB, Turtle Beach Santa Cruz, PCPower&Cooling Silencer 400.

        Capture Drives (for now): IBM 36LZX 9.1, Quantum Atlas 10KII 9.1 on Adaptec 29160


        • #5
          Well in the name of the last couple of posts using my current system (very like yours, see below)....

          Like you, I don't have any problems in OGL using 5.25, they're the best drivers yet (till I install 5.30). I can run SiN (my current fave) and HL, and the Kingpin Demo, etc, in either OGL or D3D... though I haven't tried it since upgrading to DX7.

          The only D3D game I commonly run (just to test D3D, it's too boring to play) is Unreal... but the problems with that may have nothing to do with anything but that Unreal is a dog on wheels.

          The thing that occurs to me is the sound... I've noticed that people having these lockups seemed to be relieved when they disabled 3D sound effects (the problem being that the CPU load of the game plus the 3D sound was just too much...) I myself find that the Diamond drivers and utilities seem to be kind of bloated... you might try in the first place the Aureal drivers and utilities; they're newer and seem less fatty...uninstall the Diamond stuff and replace it with the A3D version.

          Dunno if that will help (can't see why it would be a problem that only affects D3D but then again D3D is a Microsoft standard, so there you go) but it's worth a try.

          "All you people, can't you see, can't you see
          How his love's affecting my reality
          Everytime I'm down, he can make it right
          And that makes him larger than life..."
          (...not to mention being 6'5", eh Jord...? )
          What? System specs? Oh, yes, right...well, at the moment, it's: Soyo 5EMA, K6-2 333, 256MB PC100 SDRAM, Maxtor 7GB HDD, LS-120, Promise Ultra33 EIDE controller, Diamond Monster Sound MX300, HP 8100i CD-RW, Hi-Val (Nakamichi) 16X 5-disk CD changer, Win98 +SR1...oh yeah, and a Millennium G200 8MB SGRAM.

          [This message has been edited by motub (edited 16 October 1999).]

          "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
          -Jay Bulworth


          • #6
            Well, thanx for the tip about getting the Aureal drivers, cuz all is fine now (and even a little faster.. heh...)

            Looks like that is what it was. I'll have to see what DOS emulation is like with these drivers, cuz it was a little spotty I thought with the monster sound drivers, but still pretty good.

            mmmm... Dragon in Drakan looks pretty, and it ain't even bump-mapped!

