I was reading the Marvel G400 on Sharkey's Extreme (www.sharkeyextreme.com), and caught this little blurb that you Tribes players with a G400 might be interested in:
"Unfortunately, we did run into a bit of trouble with game compatibility on the Marvel. Starsiege: Tribes does not like the Marvel at all and has major graphical glitches. Tribes has historically had poor OpenGL support so this does not come as much surprise. We were told that Matrox is talking to Dynamix to see how the situation can be rectified. If you're a major Tribes addict be prepared to play in software mode because 3D acceleration may not work. Otherwise we have had no trouble with compatibility."
The Rock
"Unfortunately, we did run into a bit of trouble with game compatibility on the Marvel. Starsiege: Tribes does not like the Marvel at all and has major graphical glitches. Tribes has historically had poor OpenGL support so this does not come as much surprise. We were told that Matrox is talking to Dynamix to see how the situation can be rectified. If you're a major Tribes addict be prepared to play in software mode because 3D acceleration may not work. Otherwise we have had no trouble with compatibility."
The Rock