When i downloaded the matrox bios 104 and tried to run it, but it didn't work.
The os that i am using is NT.
I then made a boot disk and tried to run it under dos using 'UBIOSDOS' but it didn't work. What do i do?
The first program i used was 'Ubioswin'
it came up saying 'The "UtilNT.sys" fie couldn't be opened'.
[This message has been edited by AC (edited 31 October 1999).]
The os that i am using is NT.
I then made a boot disk and tried to run it under dos using 'UBIOSDOS' but it didn't work. What do i do?
The first program i used was 'Ubioswin'
it came up saying 'The "UtilNT.sys" fie couldn't be opened'.
[This message has been edited by AC (edited 31 October 1999).]