is anyone playing df2 with a pIII or athlon cpu?, just wondering how it plays because i'm using a pII400 o/c to 500(124 fsb)and it's slow as shite unless the res is at 640/480. plays fine at this res but looks rather blocky, while at 1024/768 looks great but jerk city.everything else inc nocturne runs splendidly, are games becoming to much for a pII ? or is it just df2. strangely enough outcast ran fine with same system but a cirrus logic 4mg(waiting for max, had a rage fury but i had to sell was that or melt the fecking thing...and i did need the money)
No announcement yet.
Delta Force 2 supports all graphics cards in software mode. You have to have a card capable of 32bit colors to play in direct 3d (Hardware Mode). DF2 will run in hardware mode with a G400.
This game was shipped with soooooo many bugs that it's not funny. The hardware mode is a joke. Some features do not work, like (fog.).
I have a PIII 450 w/ 196megs & G400 32meg, and it is barely playable at 800x600 in both modes.... This is one game that I will return to the store....
BTW - Nocturne is awesome....
DF2 is based on a "Voxel-Engine" like Outcast. This Engine could not be accelerated by Hardware(not yet). Only the Structures and Buildings are made of polygons so accelerated by hardware. No higher resolution (hardware) as 640x480 is only possible in demo, higher resolution will be supported in "Gold Version" i hope...
xcuse my english....
It's odd that Novalogic didn't mention the G400 in the list of supported cards. It's also odd that they didn't give DF2 the colour options that DF1 has, namely 256/16 mill, considering the performance hit a 32bit colour voxel screen will have. I think NL was pushing the envelope a little to far on this one.
The 3 (?) patches are suppose to deal with *some* of the bugs but fog/snow/rain is there but only in software acc. Apparently you only see weather effects through the scope on hardware acc...
Higher hardware acc resolutions are supposed to be availible by editing the df.cfg file. Change video_type and Game_res settings to suit
I'm surprised that Ronin has DF2 frame rate probs with his system. Other DF2'ers on other forums with similar systems are getting acceptable (whatever that means) frame rates. Granted though if you are used to DF1 at 800x600 like me then 648x480 might not be pleasant to the eye. But even DF1 at 1024x768 was unplayable...
Still waiting on my DF2 pre-order copy...
I just came across this in one of the forums in .
I'm running the Matrox G400 MAX, it runs df2 for me in 800x600 without a prob, seems like most people are having to default down to 640x480 or go software, I'm not sure how much of my benifit is via the card though, as I am running with 192MB Ram also...just to let you know about the g400max"
I don't know what processor he's running but your PII 450 should be beefy enough.
Yeah, DF2 runs smoothly at 800x600 on my system w/ hardware enabled. There is just a small lag when using the scope....
Also I am just used to playing DF1 at 800x600 - it runs silky smooth on my P3 450.
The only complaint that I have now is that the fog is not transparent when hardware is enabled. Objects just pop-out from behind it....There are still bugs with the rain & snow effects too..
Personally I think that this game was rushed to market for the holiday season.....