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  • #16
    I think we all have our own feelings about these games, but like a lot of you, I'm getting both.

    I've just recently joined (co-started, maybe?) a UT Clan, mainly because the online multiplayer seems much more real(??) to me than Quake 3's (at least in the currently available TESTS). The latest Q3Test seems even more like an arcade game type of concept- get in, shoot like crazy (small maps, lots of players- you WILL hit something) and be the lucky guy that kills more than the rest.

    UT seems to take more skill, since the maps are spread out over a larger area. Don't know about the connection probs some are having, since I have a cable modem (no crying that I'm an LPB, you know you'd get it too if you could). Even 130+ ping times don't usually seem to lag too bad- so I concur with Ozy on that.

    As far as rocket launcher use- I have noticed (and tend to participate, too) that Q3 players use 'em in much greater quantities than UT players. However, I disagree that you can't use them as effectively in UT. In fact, those of you that may have played me in UT will have noticed that it's my favorite weapon, which isn't to say that I can't use the others just about as well- ever catch a few glowing plasma balls when I couldn't get to the rocket launcher?

    The secondary fire modes in UT really make the weapons, for me. I rarely use the grenades for the rl, but I often switch back and forth between the rapid fire plasma and the beam mode for the pulse gun. The rapid fire mode is more devestating, but harder to hit with, while the beam mode takes longer, but is better for jerking, jumping targets. You get this without having to pause to switch weapons (the place where I die most often in Q3).

    Quake 3 has the better environmental graphics, but the characters seem somehow out of place, kinda like a cartoon character in a live-action world (think Roger Rabbit, to see what I mean). UT's characters seem more like they belong where they are, so I get better emersed in it.

    What it comes down to for me is that I'm going to play UT for pure competition (it's extremely addictive) and Quake 3 when I just want to join a game and frag for a little while (still addictive, just not to the same level).

    " much for subtlety.."

    System specs:
    Gainward Ti4600
    AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)


    • #17
      I'm on a 56k dialup connection, and to be fair, I find both Q3A and UT to be superior for modem play to my old favorite Q2. My average ping with UT is around 230-250, but I get zero packet loss and none of the 'freezes' I used to get with Q2 (some sort of overflow I would guess). It does take some adjusting after playing on the lan at work , but both are more than playable.

      Games Box
      Windows 2000Pro, ASUS A7Pro, Duron 750@950, 192MB Micron PC133, OEM Radeon DDR, 15gb Quantum Fireball+ LM, Fujitsu 5.25gb, Pioneer 32x slot load CDROM, SB Live! Value, LinkSys LNE100, Altec Lansing ACS45.2, Samsung Syncmaster 955DF, Sycom 300va UPS

      Video Box
      Windows 2000Pro, PIII700 on ASUS CUBX, 256mb Micron PC133, Vanilla G400/32 (PD5.14), Hauppage WinTV-DBX, LinkSys LNE100, 8.4gb Maxtor HD, 40gb 7200 Western Digital, Diamond Fireport 40 SCSI, Pioneer 32x SCSI Slot load CDROM, Pioneer 10x Slot load DVD, Yamaha 4416s burner, MX300, Panasonic Panasync S70

      Feline Tech Support
      Jinx the Grey Thundercat, Mischa (Shilsner?)(still MIA)

      ...currently working on the world's first C64 based parallel computing project

