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Unreal Tournament Rocks!!!!

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  • #16

    Instagib is deathmatch where you only get one weapon, the shock rifle, with no secondary fire. Every shot is a gib no matter what; no health, no armor, no ammo, just gib after gib after gib. It's a BLAST to play, especially Domination instagib.

    The Rock


    • #17
      Heh-heh. So you are the "the_Rock" that I've seen in a few games of UT, then. I like Domination Insta-gob, too, but only one map makes it a little monotonous after a while. Been playing mostly DM and Team DM recently- I use "Azash" as my UT alias, since Ace seems such a common name in most multiplayer games.

      UT rulez! (Running at 800x600x32, detail textures disabled, all else high, G400Max, P3-450@558.

      " much for subtlety.."

      System specs:
      Gainward Ti4600
      AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)


      • #18

        I am that person. Anytime you see someone with that nick commit rocket suicide again and again and again, it's probably me. I just love people who notice I'm carrying the rocket launcher and charge me thinking I won't use it in close quarters. Muhahahahahaha.

        The Rock


        • #19
          Hey! Just saw that UT is GOLD!!! It should be on North American store shelves this Friday!!! See you out there!!!

          Athlon 650mhz, Asus K7M, 128MB PC100, Matrox G400 Max, SB Live Value, Quantum KA 18.2GB ATA66 7200rpm, Pioneer 10x DVD-ROM, Viewsonic PS 790 19" monitor

          Athlon 650mhz, Asus K7M, 128MB PC100, Matrox G400 Max, SB Live Value, Quantum KA 18.2GB ATA66 7200rpm, Pioneer 10x DVD-ROM, Viewsonic PS 790 19" monitor


          • #20

            Maybe you and I (er.. Azash) need to team up for some team DM. Azash is particularly well known for fragging himself and anyone too close to him if he knows he's probably about to die anyway. LOL- it's amusing that we think so much alike in this regard (e.g.- if I gotta' go, I'm takin' you with me!)

            I'm actually working to improve my efficiency rating. Right now I seem to hover between 60-66% for my DM worldstats for that one (means I die around 1 time for every 3 frags). That doesn't mean that I don't win many matches though. It just means that I frag a whole lot, because I die a lot. Heh-heh.

            45th last night for my DM ranking this week, so far. Working on it some more tonight. Maybe I'll hunt for you (literally and figuratively).

            BTW- If you can't guess it, this game is becoming an obsession for me. I can stay up hours and hours, or until I burn out. I usually realize how long it's been when my performance starts to seriously degrade. Sorta a built-in "It's time to take a break" warning.

            " much for subtlety.."

            System specs:
            Gainward Ti4600
            AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)


            • #21

              I'm addicted too. I'll play till the entire area across the back of my neck and shoulders is aching with pain. I hate the stats though. I avoid stats servers like the plague. Too many people playing for points and not for fun. I like a good sporting game with no stupid taunts. I even turned my own auto-taunts off cause they were annoying me.

              The Rock


              • #22
                I'm with you Rock. I don't care much for stat servers either. It kinda takes the fun out of it.

                You guys think you're addicted now, just wait until Friday when we can get our hands on the full release. I'm really looking foward to playing the Assult game type.
                Athlon 650mhz, Asus K7M, 128MB PC100, Matrox G400 Max, SB Live Value, Quantum KA 18.2GB ATA66 7200rpm, Pioneer 10x DVD-ROM, Viewsonic PS 790 19" monitor


                • #23
                  Networking setup Question????

                  When I search for the LAN server, I can get two of my three machines connected. But for some reason, I can't get my stinking third machine to see the others. What's up!?!!?

                  The two that can see eachother have win98 and the third has win 95. Does that make a difference???

                  Can anybody suggest anything??? I've been searching the help pages with no luck thus far.


                  • #24
                    Love that insta-gib. Nothing quite like seeing your frags per hour over 500 .
                    Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox


                    • #25
                      Yeah I want recordable taunts. I want to be able to say something like 'people who visit that wussy GT UT forum are gay...'

                      P3@600 | Abit BH6 V1.01 NV | 256MB PC133 | G400MAX (EU,AGP2X) | Quantum Atlas 10K | Hitachi CDR-8330 | Diamond FirePort 40 | 3c905B-TX | TB Montego A3D(1) | IntelliMouse Explorer | Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 17 | Win2K/NT4


                      • #26
                        Recordable taunts would be interesting. I'd have to hunt down some of The Rocks WAV files so I could say things like "layeth the smacketh downeth on his candy a$$". I'd shut it off after 10mins I bet.

                        The Rock


                        • #27
                          hey dear fiddlerboy:

                          i have up to 110 fps in 800x600-16
                          and 50fps at the badest...
                          something realy smoky about your

                          my sys: (Asus)
                          P]|[ 450mhz
                          mga G200 8mb
                          128mb pc100
                          Yamaha s90
                          & awe64

                          My sys:
                          MotherB (Asus)
                          P3 450mhz (plain)
                          USB Intellimouse Explorer
                          MGA G200 8mb @ 110mhz
                          with Super Rpm cooler
                          Voodoo2 12mb @99mhz
                          pioneerDvD 36/6x
                          128mb Pc100 Mhz
                          10,3Gb Seagate (UDma)
                          Yamaha S90
                          & awe64
                          win 98mill
                          P.S You got 2 have Voodoo2 if ya want 140fps and more
                          in Quake 2...hmm


                          • #28
                            DUDE: Don't know if your gonna see this, so someone pass it one, try installing Netbui and Client for Netware Networks on all three machines, don't know if this means UT will work, but Network neighbourhood worked for me in a very similar setup.

                            Client for MS Networks
                            Client for Netware
                            File/print sharing for MS Network

                            Windows Logon.

                            on all machines



                            • #29
                              I had a *cough* beta version of UT a few months back. It had most of the weapons and gameplay modes, as well as maps. Assault was very cool, as was Last Man Standing. The Capture the Flag maps are huge.
                              Have you seen the Redeemer yet? It's a guided nuke type launch it then you get a kind of Terminator style view of where the missle is headed, just guide it into the enemy base....
                              I hope I can find a copy of it in stores around here for the weekend, but I'm guessing I'll have to wait till next week.
                              Games Box
                              Windows 2000Pro, ASUS A7Pro, Duron 750@950, 192MB Micron PC133, OEM Radeon DDR, 15gb Quantum Fireball+ LM, Fujitsu 5.25gb, Pioneer 32x slot load CDROM, SB Live! Value, LinkSys LNE100, Altec Lansing ACS45.2, Samsung Syncmaster 955DF, Sycom 300va UPS

                              Video Box
                              Windows 2000Pro, PIII700 on ASUS CUBX, 256mb Micron PC133, Vanilla G400/32 (PD5.14), Hauppage WinTV-DBX, LinkSys LNE100, 8.4gb Maxtor HD, 40gb 7200 Western Digital, Diamond Fireport 40 SCSI, Pioneer 32x SCSI Slot load CDROM, Pioneer 10x Slot load DVD, Yamaha 4416s burner, MX300, Panasonic Panasync S70

                              Feline Tech Support
                              Jinx the Grey Thundercat, Mischa (Shilsner?)(still MIA)

                              ...currently working on the world's first C64 based parallel computing project


                              • #30

                                I watch the stats to judge whether my gameplay is improving, mainly (higher efficiency- more kills, less deaths). It lets me know if I'm getting better or just sort of stagnating.

                                I agree about the auto taunts- I turned mine off last weekend, after it got so annoying. If I want somebody to hear me taunting, I want it to be one the one that says what I mean, instead of some inane crap, like "You be dead" (Who doesn't realize when you frag'em, LOL).

                                I missed you last night, mainly because I played only about an hour. The rest of my time was spent d/l and trying out the newest Q3 Demo Test. Pretty good, even with the regular ICD. I have to admit, the graphics are better, even though I think I like UT's gameplay best. Tonight I'm going to try the workaround to get the TurboGL running with it. With the regular ICD I get 34-35 FPS with everything on in 800x600x32bits. 45-50 should be the minimum I see with the TurboGL.

                                " much for subtlety.."

                                System specs:
                                Gainward Ti4600
                                AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)

