Just loaded Q3 and URT they run great! With DX7 and PD 5.30. I was wondering how to get framerates to compare my performance with others. P3 500 Asus p3b-f 128MB G400 Max
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How do I get framerates in Q3 and URT
In UT u need a demo. Record one and play it back with framrate turned on. It is a bit more comlificated than that but i forget exactly. Q3, start the game,play by yourself once,(this is important as it seems to slow down if you do a bench without playing once)and exit to the main menu. Bring down the console(`), and type "timedemo demo1" and hit enter then type "demo q3demo1" and hit enter again. It'll go thru a loading of the level and stuff and then play back a demo recorded in ID's house,from Tim Willits pov. You can see John Carmac and the others get fragged. Kinda neat. It will play back really(hopefully) fast. When it's done, it will exit back to the main menu and sit there like a bump on a log. Ya gotta open the console again. Near the bottom will be some stats including fps. At 800x600 with everything maxed except for at 16bit colour depth I get around 34.5fps. Ver 108test.
AssuP2B ,iCeleron525(7x75), 128megs PC100, G40032megSH, Yamaha PCI sound, 2 small HD's, 42X Sony CDrom and 98SE w/shutdown patch, PD 5.30 w/beta ICD
[This message has been edited by Bohrn (edited 25 November 1999).]AMD XP2100+, 512megs DDR333, ATI Radeon 8500, some other stuff.