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Hey about a TurboGL Patch for UT???

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  • Hey about a TurboGL Patch for UT???

    I am really enjoying this game on my Max...but how about patching it so the TurboGL will work (like on Unreal) and we can run it in the much better looking (but very slow) OpenGL???
    Would really appreciate you people looking into this...

  • #2
    Heheh, buy voodoo2 SLI rig ,I afraid run UT or UNREAL on my G400DH32MB.

    UT 1024x768 16bit,detail textures FULL,ALL others details FULL and MAX!!!
    about 45fps with many bots on P2 450Mhz

    Unreal too 50fps+ at 1024x768

    yeah,yeah voodoo2 SLI rulez GLIDE RULEZ


    • #3
      this should't be right, WTF?


      • #4
        I have V2 SLI on my secondary rig, a P3 450...and I still like the way UT looks and plays on my MAX (even when I had the Max on the P3 with the V2s!!!). I am running 8x6 @ 32bit...and seems to run fine on my K7 650.
        But...I tried running it in GL...and looked great, but when the graphics got would start to stutter and shake...
        Anyway...should not be that hard it the TGL runs Unreal...
        And, hey, Unreal runs D3d...but they make the TGL work with DAT???


        • #5
          heheh ,It`s bigger difference between res 800x600 and 1024x768 as between 16-bit or 32-bit when you play UT, right?

          heh, I haven`t ATHLON 650 but just just just P2 450Mhz and yesterday I bought IBM HD13.5GB therefore "NO MONEY FOR BETTER CPU".



          • #6
            Well hey matrox How about a turbogl for us K6-2 and k6-3 users huh

            ***TRUST IN YOUR TECHNOLUST***
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            " TARGET=_blank>


            • #7
              The actual TurboGL should work with UT, but the OpenGL implementation of UT sucks big time ...

              To test simply copy the TurboGL from your Q3 dir (OPENGL32.DLL) into UT/system dir and choose OpenGL as rendering API.


              Working Rig:
              Asus P2B-DS @ 103MHz FSB
              Double Pentium III-450 @ 464 MHz
              4 x 128MB CAS2 SDRAM
              Matrox Millennium G400 32MB DualHead
              Nokia 445Xi (21")
              Nokia 447Xpro (17")

              Home Rig:
              Asus P2B-S Bios 1010 @ 100MHz FSB
              Celeron 333A @ 500MHz
              2 x 128MB CAS2 SDRAM
              Matrox Millennium G400 32MB DualHead @ 150/200MHz
              CTX VL710T (17")
              Despite my nickname causing confusion, I am not female ...

              ASRock Fatal1ty X79 Professional
              Intel Core i7-3930K@4.3GHz
              be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 2
              4x 8GB G.Skill TridentX PC3-19200U@CR1
              2x MSI N670GTX PE OC (SLI)
              OCZ Vertex 4 256GB
              4x2TB Seagate Barracuda Green 5900.3 (2x4TB RAID0)
              Super Flower Golden Green Modular 800W
              Nanoxia Deep Silence 1
              LG BH10LS38
              LG DM2752D 27" 3D


              • #8
                Forget about OpenGL under U.T.; like Maggi said, it just plain sucks. They concentrated on D3D for a reason. Stick to that. With a G400, you have no need for OpenGL anyways. It runs fine at 1024x768x32bit; you'll probably have to turn off the HUD though. The final version of UT is much harder on the hardware than the demo for sure. The levels in the final are BIG with lots of geometry in em. Beautiful game though; well worth the $$$.

                The Rock


                • #9
         I said...picked up the UT retail last night...and man o man...beautiful game...50 levels or so...I really didn't have a prob paying the 50 bux, including, I got it buddy at work online ordered his, to save 6 or 7 buckz (after the shipping, not that big of a savingz) and still hasen't rec'd his...
                  hehheh while I am a'gibbin all the holiday...he will still be stuck on the demo..cause work is shut down till monday, and he has it shipping there...
                  I understand re: Gl...I always had to revert back to D3D for Unreal, also...due to the speed (lack of, in GL)...but I was thinking, with how big and popular UT seems to be, might be nice with OpenGL...realize that the actual OGL utilization and optimization (NOT) is guess we're stuck with D3D (or Glide on my P3 rig)...
                  But, I will take eet!!!
                  Kelin (KiLLaK7) see ya all a'gibbing (that's instagib, pilgrim)


                  • #10
                    Just wait, once magazines and websites start benchmarking boards with UT, you'll see optimized drivers faster than you can say 'SSE', seeing as almost all the mags are using PIII rigs now anyway.

                    Games Box
                    Windows 2000Pro, ASUS A7Pro, Duron 750@950, 192MB Micron PC133, OEM Radeon DDR, 15gb Quantum Fireball+ LM, Fujitsu 5.25gb, Pioneer 32x slot load CDROM, SB Live! Value, LinkSys LNE100, Altec Lansing ACS45.2, Samsung Syncmaster 955DF, Sycom 300va UPS

                    Video Box
                    Windows 2000Pro, PIII700 on ASUS CUBX, 256mb Micron PC133, Vanilla G400/32 (PD5.14), Hauppage WinTV-DBX, LinkSys LNE100, 8.4gb Maxtor HD, 40gb 7200 Western Digital, Diamond Fireport 40 SCSI, Pioneer 32x SCSI Slot load CDROM, Pioneer 10x Slot load DVD, Yamaha 4416s burner, MX300, Panasonic Panasync S70

                    Feline Tech Support
                    Jinx the Grey Thundercat, Mischa (Shilsner?)(still MIA)

                    ...currently working on the world's first C64 based parallel computing project


                    • #11
                      I don't have a problem with D3D for Unreal. I do have a problem with the textures - they disappear and reappear at long distances, and there are zig-zags at some joining points. I'm running MultiMonitor. I've tried enabling/disabling the 32bit Z-buffer, as well as a host of other options to no avail. I run it in 16bit color (32bit is too slow), and it plays great at 1024x768 and 1152x864 (only occasional slowdowns).

                      I hope they fix the D3D texture problem (and the SB Live! problem on the intro). But if not, well... V5-6000 is only four months away. :-)
                      The pessimist says: "The glass is half empty."
                      The optimist says: "The glass is half full."
                      The engineer says: "I put half of my water in a redundant glass."


                      • #12
                        The texture problem is to do with the G400 drivers - not Unreal Tournament.

                        Byron Hinson
                        Microsoft MVP
                        Byron Hinson
                        Microsoft MVP


                        • #13
                          So forget that TurboGL for those with lesser processors - where are the DX7 optmized drivers! :-)

                          [This message has been edited by IceStorm (edited 26 November 1999).]
                          The pessimist says: "The glass is half empty."
                          The optimist says: "The glass is half full."
                          The engineer says: "I put half of my water in a redundant glass."


                          • #14
                            I'll second that, Ice. Let's at least optimize the drivers for something

                            Mini-Gl doesn't count..bad Matrox, Bad.

                            Games Box
                            Windows 2000Pro, ASUS A7Pro, Duron 750@950, 192MB Micron PC133, OEM Radeon DDR, 15gb Quantum Fireball+ LM, Fujitsu 5.25gb, Pioneer 32x slot load CDROM, SB Live! Value, LinkSys LNE100, Altec Lansing ACS45.2, Samsung Syncmaster 955DF, Sycom 300va UPS

                            Video Box
                            Windows 2000Pro, PIII700 on ASUS CUBX, 256mb Micron PC133, Vanilla G400/32 (PD5.14), Hauppage WinTV-DBX, LinkSys LNE100, 8.4gb Maxtor HD, 40gb 7200 Western Digital, Diamond Fireport 40 SCSI, Pioneer 32x SCSI Slot load CDROM, Pioneer 10x Slot load DVD, Yamaha 4416s burner, MX300, Panasonic Panasync S70

                            Feline Tech Support
                            Jinx the Grey Thundercat, Mischa (Shilsner?)(still MIA)

                            ...currently working on the world's first C64 based parallel computing project

