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where can i get the ogl icd

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  • where can i get the ogl icd

    i cant get any open gl games working in win 98...
    do i need to get the icd?, if so where can i get it and is it possible to use the turbogl with my cely433?

    P.s. my cely is a 66mhz 370 flavour... can i crank my fsb up to 100mhz (same as my memory) without making a mess?

  • #2
    Hi there.

    1 - The OpenGL ICD is included with the G200/G400 drivers. When you install the drivers, the ICD will be installed. But you don´t state what card you do have or what happens to those ogl games when you try to run them. If you have like a Millennium I or something like that, you´re out of luck...

    2 - For the time being it´s not possible to use TurboGl with the celeron processors. It only works with Pentium III and AMD Athlon, because it uses the SIMD instructions these cpu´s have.

    3 - you cpu has a 6.5 multiplier. 6.5*66=433Mhz. 6.5*100=650 Mhz. Quite a long shot, don´t you think? Try it if you want. Most certainly it won´t even boot.


    • #3
      sorry, i'v got a g400 32mb dh, can get open gl working in gl doom... d3d seems to work just fine but open gl games claim that i do not have any hardware acceleration?...

      as for my celeron, would not try quite that much... was thinking more along the lines of 100*4.5 or 5, as my ram is running at 100 mhz, will increasing my fsb to 100 give me a significant performange increase?



      • #4
        If you have the latest drivers installed, check out if you are running your desktop at 24 bit color depth. 24 bpp is NOT hardware accelerated and you´ll get an error like that. I would bet this is what causing your problems, but if not, search for the files G400icd.dll, opengl32.dll and glu32.dll. All must be in your windows\system folder.

        GlDoom yeah, that´s nice but is far from perfect... but I have Gldoom and it works (kind of).

        About your cpu: No, no, no. All current Intel CPU´s are multiplier locked. The only thing you can change to alter the speed is the mobo fsb. Your celeron 433 has a 6.5 multiplier and you cannot change that. So 100 Mhz fsb=650 Mhz. Try 75 Mhz fsb (487.5 Mhz) or 83 Mhz fsb (539 Mhz). 83 Mhz is more of a long shot and your peripherals may not like it at all.


        • #5
          thanks mate, have checked all the files you mention and they all seem to be in place + am running 32bit colour...

          is it more likley that the games i'm trying to play aren't compatible with the g400? (q2 and sin, was going to buy q3 but it probly wont work?)

          as for my celeron, how dare those bastards at intel lock the multiplyer on my cpu!, surely the old slot1 celys wern't like this?

          neway, cheers again,
          p.s. my celeron currently runs at at 44.5C, how far is it safe to push it?


          • #6
            Hi there again

            Q2, Sin and Q3 play wonderfull with the G400. So something must be wrong with your setup. Posting your system configuration and exactly what happens when you try to run the games would help.

            Check if there isn´t any file named opengl32.dll in the game folder. Delete it, it may be the old d3d wrapper or the 3dfx minigl (just guessing here, have you had a g200 or a 3dfx card?).

            Unfortunely all celeron since the cacheless 266 are multiplier locked. Same for the PII since that time (don´t remember exactly when they started doing that to the PII, I think it was when they start making .25u parts - 333 and above).

            44.5ºc is within spec, but it could be colder. Are you using thermal compound? It helps ALOT. Maybe an extra fan or a better heatsink would help.

            I run for more than a year a celery 300A @ 450 Mhz (see, 4.5 locked multiplier+100 fsb = 450) 2.2v. I use thermal compound, a fairly standard heatsink and two fans attached to the heatsink. It could be better, but never had a problem that could be heat related...

            In overclocking there is no such thing as safe well, maybe a bit... What fsb option have you?


            • #7
              sorry, DH was on... q2 and sin r now ok.
              although have more graphical defects than my v1 card used to give me(silly framerates though)

              have a (66, 75*, 8?*, 100, 112*, ?*, 133*) mobo.
              tried 75mhz fsb and cpu temp levelled at about 47 to 49c,

              as i'm only using the fan + sink that came with my celron, is it worth buying more if i oc?.


              • #8
                Hi there

                Sorry, I´ve been a little busy lately...

                Cooling is always important, and specially when overclocking

                Is your celeron retail or OEM? If it´s OEM, you can easily replace the heatsink and fan for a better one (don´t forget the thermal paste). The retails should be harder to pull out the fan.


                • #9
                  thanks, my celron is retail.. got sink , fan and bit of conductive materia with it.

                  after about a week of 75mhz Oclocking, my cpu temp is usially at about 48C, i assume that this will shorten the life span of my processer (going to ug to a P3 next year neway) but by how much?

                  as for my g400, if i clock it up to 300 FO, is it really necisarry for me to fix a fan to it?, have a perfectly good pentium fan available.. oh, yeah, what kind of performance agin is this likley to give me?

                  thanks again...


                  • #10
                    Your questions are not easy to answer, you know?

                    Shorten the cpu life span by how much? 1 week? 1 month? 1 year? several? Your guess is as good as mine... but if I were you I wouldn´t care too much about it I sure it´ll outlive the use you will find for it... What cpu had you 5 years ago? See...

                    At 300 Fo (150/200) it would be wise to get a fan. I have a pentium fan glued to the heatsink. As for the performance increase, you will notice it mainly at higher resolutions. Below 1024x768x32 the performance is most of the times cpu limited.

