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G400 32MB vs G400 MAX

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  • G400 32MB vs G400 MAX

    Last week I finally got a G400 MAX, for anyone interested here's how it compares to a vanilla OEM G400 32 MB.

    Pentium III 500 MHz, Windows 98 SE
    5.30.007 drivers, TurboGL
    Sound card using LiveWare! 3
    Nothing is overclocked

    Abit BE-6, 317 MB
    Millennium G400 32MB OEM SH
    SB Live! Value OEM

    ASUS P2B-DS, 512 MB
    Millennium G400 MAX 32MB
    SB Live! (the original full retail ver.)

    Quake3Arena Demo TEST 1.09
    Video Settings: Highest Quality plus the Texture Quality slider set to max
    Game Options: All on except for simple items and vsync
    Sound set to high quality
    The first number is with Trilinear filtering, the second is with Bilinear.

    PC1 PC2
    800x600 31.1/41.6 35.4/46.5
    960x720 23.4/31.0 25.9/34.7
    1024x768 20.4/26.8 23.3/31.1
    1158x864 16.7/21.7 18.7/24.6
    1600x1200 8.8/11.0 9.6/12.0

    3DMark 99 Max
    800x600x16, Triple Buffering

    PC1 PC2
    3DMark Result 4907 4912
    Synth. CPU 3D Spd 7766 7679
    Rasterizer Score 2170 2538
    Game1 53.4 53.8
    Game2 45.4 45.2
    Fill Rate 208.6 246.7
    Fill Rate w/ M-T 208.4 246.1
    2MB Texture 310.0 358.1
    4MB Texture 246.7 285.1
    8MB Texture 172.0 196.3
    16MB Texture 133.2 145.6
    32MB Texture 79.8 82.1

    [This message has been edited by Daniel Fazekas (edited 27 November 1999).]

  • #2
    Almost forgot why I picked the question icon.

    Which overclocker are you guys using for your Max and how much is safe enough?

    After all, the Max does have that nice little fan on it. I suppose it is just asking for a little overclocking.

    It would be nice to get 960x720 to a playable level on the Max at least.. Anything over 40 fps should be fine. (By the way, I used that useful little Pd5ResMgr to add the 960x720 resolution.)

    Also, I forgot mentioning that too: the Q3A scores are timedemos of Demo001.

