Anybody else is experiencing zbuffer flickering with UT ? For example when you play CTF in the map with the two towers & the planets it's fairly unplayable, since when you use the sniper rifle to zoom in, you never know if the enemy you see is in front or behind the walls 
This happened too in the domination level distributed with the demo (the small pyramids at the top 'squiggle' if you move around).
This is with a g400max, w98se, pd5.30 & pIII Changing color depth and 32/16bit zbuffer didn't help.

This happened too in the domination level distributed with the demo (the small pyramids at the top 'squiggle' if you move around).
This is with a g400max, w98se, pd5.30 & pIII Changing color depth and 32/16bit zbuffer didn't help.