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Wheel of Time and here please...

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  • Wheel of Time and here please...

    What kind of FPS are you guys getting playing the WOT demo with the D3D patch. I tried Expendable running 1024x768 in 32 bit color and it runs smooth as crap. Yet I play the WOT demo and I'm getting an average of 13fps in the hallways were you start out. My Voodoo2 card runs WOT demo at a consistent 30+ fps using Glide. Considering how well Expendable played I'm thinking it's the WOT demo and how they handle D3d.
    My specs:
    Dell PII400
    384 MB ram (big photoshop user)
    AGP aperture: 256
    Nonoverclocked G400 Max

  • #2
    it is playable on mine, around 20-25 i think
    but thats with medium settings in 1024x768 and 16bit
    Unreal Tournament runs fine in the settings above, but chokes at 32bit
    and the Nerf demo, forget it, only just playable at 640x480
    i think its inconsistencies in the Unreal engine UT would be the best as it is from the developer, while the other third party users would be worst
    (anyone wanna poke holes in this theory)

    im hoping it will be fixed in an upcoming patch and/or the new Powerdesk/Direct X 7 drivers (come on matrox, we'll show em)

    Marvel G400 Win98 SE DX7
    P3450@500 128mg
    Windows XP Pro + SP1 - Pentium 4 3.1gig - 1024mg DDR 333 2 cas - Thermaltake Xaser Case - Parhelia 128 - 3x Phillips TFT Monitors - Audigy 2 Platinum - 6.1 surround speakers - RTx100 - 5 HD 7200rpm (420gig) - Pioneer A03 - Partridge in a pear tree

