What kind of FPS are you guys getting playing the WOT demo with the D3D patch. I tried Expendable running 1024x768 in 32 bit color and it runs smooth as crap. Yet I play the WOT demo and I'm getting an average of 13fps in the hallways were you start out. My Voodoo2 card runs WOT demo at a consistent 30+ fps using Glide. Considering how well Expendable played I'm thinking it's the WOT demo and how they handle D3d.
My specs:
Dell PII400
384 MB ram (big photoshop user)
AGP aperture: 256
Nonoverclocked G400 Max
My specs:
Dell PII400
384 MB ram (big photoshop user)

AGP aperture: 256
Nonoverclocked G400 Max