Finally I can play XTom3D again, a nice OpenGL 3D shooter
( for a demo)
Too bad the "fog" in the first level when you fly through the canyon is still not rendered correctly.
What's worse: after I quit the game, all I see is a black screen. Windows appears to be running, but keyboard is not responding anymore. Can be caused be the game, but I hadn't have this problem with PD5.25 and earlier.
My system: MilG200, PD5.41, K6-2 on a MVP3-based board, running Win98SE.

Too bad the "fog" in the first level when you fly through the canyon is still not rendered correctly.
What's worse: after I quit the game, all I see is a black screen. Windows appears to be running, but keyboard is not responding anymore. Can be caused be the game, but I hadn't have this problem with PD5.25 and earlier.
My system: MilG200, PD5.41, K6-2 on a MVP3-based board, running Win98SE.