Two months ago I generously gave my old K6-233 too my younger brother. The machine never caused me any major problems. Now everything is working, as it should except sett3 and DK2. When I try to start them the computer locks up and the screen turns blue ( no text). I have played both games myself on the same computer with no problems.
I’m almost certain that the currently installed drivers are the same drivers I used.
And a few specs:
AMD K6-233, 64MB RAM, matrox millenium II 4MB, righteous voodoo 1 4MB
I hope some of you can help me with this one
current system: athlon 500, FIC SD11, 128MB SDRAM, G400MAX, IBM deskstar GXP22 22GB, Viewsonic PS790, creative live!, etc...
I’m almost certain that the currently installed drivers are the same drivers I used.
And a few specs:
AMD K6-233, 64MB RAM, matrox millenium II 4MB, righteous voodoo 1 4MB
I hope some of you can help me with this one
current system: athlon 500, FIC SD11, 128MB SDRAM, G400MAX, IBM deskstar GXP22 22GB, Viewsonic PS790, creative live!, etc...