What gives with the UT/K6 scores? We've got two people posted in the hardware forum getting above 30fps at 1024x32bit, one getting above 30 at 1280x16 bit. In the meantime I'm stuck below 30 at 1024x16bit (32bit unplayable at any res), With a Cel 550, and detail at medium.
If I want to be competitive, I have to run in Glide. What gives?
Cel 366@550 on Asus P2b (1011), 128MB, OEM G400/16 (PD5.30 115%), Quantum Obsidian S12, Fujitsu 5.25gb, Maxtor 4.3gb, Pioneer slot load 32X, MX300 (Aureal 2040), Intel EtherExpress 16, Grey Cat, Orange Cat (still MIA)
If I want to be competitive, I have to run in Glide. What gives?
Cel 366@550 on Asus P2b (1011), 128MB, OEM G400/16 (PD5.30 115%), Quantum Obsidian S12, Fujitsu 5.25gb, Maxtor 4.3gb, Pioneer slot load 32X, MX300 (Aureal 2040), Intel EtherExpress 16, Grey Cat, Orange Cat (still MIA)