I downloaded Drakan and the 444 patch this morning and I have not been able to launch the game. Each time (at the end of setup and subsequent launches) the game shows the initial banner, fades to black, and nothing else is displayed. The music continues, but their is no disk activity and the keyboard is locked (have to cold boot). If I try to apply the patch, it fails stating "1) You do not have the correct Drakan patch for you're language (...) 2) Drakan is not installed 3) You're Drakan installation has become corrupted.
I downloaded the 68,041,955 byte demo from ftp.cdrom.com/pub/3dfiles/games/drakandemo2b.exe (mirror found on www.drakan.net). The drakan.net link to the patch file was broken and I got the 6,557,581 byte patch from http://psygnosis.svwh.net/drakan/dow...tch444_eng.zip (found on Surreal's web site). The www.gigex1.com site is apparently flooded this morning. I tried installing it into a specified directory initially, and then uninstalled and reinstalled into the default directory. Anyone have an idea what's wrong?
I downloaded the 68,041,955 byte demo from ftp.cdrom.com/pub/3dfiles/games/drakandemo2b.exe (mirror found on www.drakan.net). The drakan.net link to the patch file was broken and I got the 6,557,581 byte patch from http://psygnosis.svwh.net/drakan/dow...tch444_eng.zip (found on Surreal's web site). The www.gigex1.com site is apparently flooded this morning. I tried installing it into a specified directory initially, and then uninstalled and reinstalled into the default directory. Anyone have an idea what's wrong?