Running Mill G200 8Meg, win2k RC3 Server, the latest win2k beta driver. Opengl stuff like Q3A FULL and screensavers are screwing up really bad. I read fixes on the forum regarding deleteing opengl32.dll from the games dir to get games working, but when i did a search, my opengl32.dll is in winnt/system32/ dir, and whenever i try to delete it, it mysteriously reappear, i don't know what to do, any ppl can tell me how i can delete the opengl32.dll so the game will use g200icd.dll?
Btw, the driver is pretty stable for desktop use, but in games, it works only 50% of the time, and 50% lock up with the loading funnel on a black screen. well, can't complain much, at least i don't have to play halflife at 640x480 software mode anymore, when the driver does work, it's pretty sweet, i am
getting on par performance as a win98se box, if not faster..
thx in advance
Abit Bx6, 128Meg Ram, PII 450
Btw, the driver is pretty stable for desktop use, but in games, it works only 50% of the time, and 50% lock up with the loading funnel on a black screen. well, can't complain much, at least i don't have to play halflife at 640x480 software mode anymore, when the driver does work, it's pretty sweet, i am
getting on par performance as a win98se box, if not faster..
thx in advance
Abit Bx6, 128Meg Ram, PII 450