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Falcon4 and G200... DX6 Compatibility mode?? Need Help...

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  • Falcon4 and G200... DX6 Compatibility mode?? Need Help...

    Okies, I just got the New patch for F4, 1.08.. And while I know that it has problems with DX7 and such.. They have posted some work-a-rounds in order to make the game function properly...

    They suggest that since I have DX7 installed (need it for UT) I should set my D3D to DX6 Compatibility mode, basically disabling all the DX6 and DX7 enhancements to go back to DX5...
    They suggested using PowerStrip if the Drivers for the specific video card do not have the option...

    Well I can't find it in Power Strip either...
    So, If anyone has a G200 or even a G400 and has F4 with Patch 1.08 running please let me know what you did to get it to run...

    I'm running the new 5.41 Matrox drviers, with a G200 16Mb SGR, any help would be Most appreciated!

    1.3 Taulatin @1600 - Watercooled, DangerDen waterblock, Enhiem 1046 pump, 8x6x2 HeaterCore Radiator - Asus TUSL2C - 256 MB Corsair PC150 - G400 DH 32b SGR - IBM 20Gb 75GXP HDD - InWin A500

  • #2
    I was just running F4 today, with DX7 and the 5.21 driver set. I don't know why, but the game framerates have been slow using any of the newer drivers. Anyway, I have a G200 8Mb sgram with the new patch running fine. Gotta love that new resolution.

    So what problems are you having exactly?

    PII 400, P2B, 128mb PC100, AWE 64, etc.


    • #3
      Oh yeah I've had that DevCreateSurface error before. I guess I'm just so used to F4 crashing that I don't pay any attention to a particular crash. It's done that once to me, in the 4 or so times I've played. That SOB hard locked the computer too.

      Come to think of it, it might not be a driver thing if the same crash is happening on both versions of the driver.

      I'm running a 1280x1024x16bit desktop with F4 at 1024x768.

      Unfortunately I'm not sure what else to suggest. I've yet to try removing my old campaign files, or for that matter a complete reinstall of F4. There is a pretty comprehensive FAQ for this update which might be of some help. I didn't read very much of it, but I do remember it stressing that you need to remove all old saved files. On the other hand, I tried playing both an old saved campaign and a tactical engagement and the game exited fine.



      • #4
        hehehe Well it doesn't lock my system Hard, but it does screw me to the point where a restart is needed to return to normal operations....

        I run the same Desktop, I've tried all the Res. of F4... I also have unistalled the F4 completely, with no avail... I never get back to the Summary, ever now that I've patched it to 1.08... I never got it before hand....

        I guess I'll have to try those drivers and see if that helps... it could... I just hate to play with Matrox drivers... a pain unistalling them and reinstalling them....
        Oh well... I want it to work...

        The new SAM's are GREAT!! actually get some notice and it's right where they say it is... I like that... and Yes the new Res. are Wild, they did a GREAT job... Too bad they hauled off and Fired the whole Dev. team.... DUMB! it's a great platform for other Sims of different types... Oh well.

        thanks again for the help...

        [This message has been edited by Stringy (edited 12 December 1999).]
        1.3 Taulatin @1600 - Watercooled, DangerDen waterblock, Enhiem 1046 pump, 8x6x2 HeaterCore Radiator - Asus TUSL2C - 256 MB Corsair PC150 - G400 DH 32b SGR - IBM 20Gb 75GXP HDD - InWin A500


        • #5
          Well, i'm running F4 with G400/PD5.41 and i haven't faced any probs at all. Everything has worked ok since i installed game and patch 1.07 . And i just installed 1.08 patch a couple days ago, but i haven't had time too much to play after that (just 30 minutes , but no probs during that ).



          • #6
            Ah, I just remembered what I did about the drivers. I wanted to use version 5.41, but 5.21 was the only version that would work. I used that hack that was described here,
            which lets you install the new drivers on top of an old powerdesk. Whoever thought that up was a smart dude.

            Heh, that's funny. After about the third time in a row I was shot down by a SAM I was starting to think they kinda sucked.

            What's your fav weapon for destroying them? I've tried the agm-88 (i think that's what it's called) but that only gets rid of one vehicle at a time. I'm kinda partial to the GBU-24, or whatever the big laser guided bomb is called. Lessee, I want THAT city block to disappear.


